Is there a Northern and Southern California Sound

Hi everyone,
I've been slowly making the rounds of LA stereo shops. Before this I was in the San Francisco bay area.

Ages ago, speakers were divided into two camps: East Coast and West Coast sound.

East coast was Audio Research, Boston Acoustics, KLH, etc. West coast was Altec, JBL.

After listening and thinking about it I am wondering if there is a preference for sound quality in northern Caslifornia vs. Southern california?

I got to hear systems in the north at Magico, Music Lovers and Audio Visions. Here in the South I've heard a couple of places, and I found the sound harder and brighter.

Of course, this is a small sample, and all electronics were different, but I'm wondering, has anyone else heard the same?
The Byrds, silly. Even better than they are given credit for. The sound Tom Petty was chasing.
To me Brooks Berdan has great acoustics and the best sound with 
Spendor and Magico. The manager there knows sound and is very helpful.

Music Lovers has Sonus Faber and people like Hugh that 
hear more than I ever will. 

Those are my preferences. Hard and bright don't work with
my ears anymore. That's a young mans game.

Others opinions?

BB is a very nice store indeed.

Sadly they were not set up for my current needs (home theater) but they are a very nice store and one I'd recommend.