Power Purpose

...just fooling around a bit.....plugged my power amp into a different outlet......boy ...so much better
""" ...just fooling around a bit.....plugged my power amp into a different outlet......boy ...so much better. """""

Just learned about this from Paul McGowan @ PS Audio. If both outlets do not share the same circuit breaker?If one outlet has electronic devices working on the same line they can dirty up the sound. If the better sounding outlet has nothing else sharing that line? It could make it behave like a dedicated line.
That makes sense. If you live in an apartment, like me, what I did was to figure out which breakers went to which outlets and lucked out on finding two in the living room that had their own breaker. It was the first thing I did when I moved in. It's the best I could do under the circumstances and it sure beats sharing it with a fridge or the A/C.

All the best,
Want to blow your mind? Some evening after listening a while go and flip off as many breakers as you can, ideally leaving only the stereo circuit on.

You can thank me later.