Good, Affordable Horns?

I've often thought about adding a pair of horn loaded speakers, like say a pair of Klipsch La Scala, to my collection, but I've not heard enough horn loaded speakers to really know the differences, or what works and what doesn't. What are some good ones for under say $2K? What do these give up say compared to some of the larger and more expensive horn loaded speakers I've seen in AUdiogon user systems? The Jadis Eurythmie are one such pair I've seen that appear out of this world, but also must cost a small fortune.
I've heard several Cain & Cains (including single and double Bens) and several Duevels, but not sure I've heard the Jupiters. Both lines include very nice speakers, different in presentation obviously. I wouldn't recommend an omni for a 12 by 12 room unless they can be positioned well out into the room.

The Cain & Cains do indeed call for tubes; the Duevels not necessarily though come to think of it I've probably only heard them with push-pull tube amps.

In vintage speakers, my suggesion would be either the Altec Model 19 or the Model 14.

Something new (Cardersound Tybones):
Klipschorns have been in production since 1945. That says a lot right there. And to my knowledge the laws of physics haven't changed since then.

Since 1945, the people at Klipsch have improved the components in their Heritage line products. Including the Klipschorn.

Visit There are many knowledgeable people there with great setups who wouldn't think of trading them for anything else. I visit there daily.

Also, checkout the LaScala II review in stereophile magazine.

I have heard the "older" LaScalas with tube amplification. They make other speakers sound like toys. Except for other horns.

For affordable horns, the most obvious answer is Klipsch.
Since 1945, the people at Klipsch have improved the components in their Heritage line products. Including the Klipschorn.
I beg to somewhat disagree: the old Klipschorns used alnico drivers. Alnico is now ruinously expensive (at least, cobalt is) and for the past 30 yrs or so, the driver quality has had=to go down. IMO, etc. Regards
You might want to take a look at the quirky collection of horn systems available from Be sure to look under closeouts for more affordable options. BTW, I picked up a very nice pair of Zingali horns from these guys a few years back at very reasonable cost.

Good Luck
