Liquid Amps

What is the most “liquid” sounding solid state amp and is “liquid” even a thing?
I would say from my experience, that the original GAS Son of Ampzilla, Pass labs XA.5 series, and Borgiono’s Spread Spectrum Technologies Son of Ampzilla 2000 power amps, all have that "warm", "liquid" sound that is very "rare" in SS amps.

They sound very "natural" IMO.
I agree the Pass Labs are very smooth and tube like without the disadvantages of tubes. They are fast and very fluid in the midrange.
Jim there's a name from the golden days of audio.  A true pioneer who loved what he did and those of us who sold his inventions:

His products were always VERY INTERESTING and sounded as good as he could make them.

RIP, James.
Valvet may also fit what you are looking for.

Good to see Bongiorno's amps getting coverage here.