Do i belong here

Hi iam a simple cobbler from the uk ,18 years ago i spent £5000 on a system called Caspian Roksan with ruark prologue one speakers which sounds great ,but looking at what other people have got i'm not sure i belong here.
Anything audio is relevant here. Welcome!

I think the OP has a Logitech Squeezbox. It's a few year since they made them.
If you want an inexpensive DAC, you should look at the Schiit Bifrost Multibit. Though they are made in the US, they are shipping wordwide.
Maybe look on Hifi Shark to see if any are on your side of the Atlantic?
I think it would be a good choice for your system. 
Cobbone1 -

Something modern. Schiit or Mytek work really well with Squeezebox. :)

Older DAC's usually need a little help like a Wyred4Sound reclocker to sound their best.

I have used a SB touch from 44/16 to 96/24 with great results.


Welcome. Good sound, ironically perhaps, has practically nothing to do with the equipment. End of sermon. Oh, no offense to anyone with a system costing more than $100K.