Do i belong here

Hi iam a simple cobbler from the uk ,18 years ago i spent £5000 on a system called Caspian Roksan with ruark prologue one speakers which sounds great ,but looking at what other people have got i'm not sure i belong here.
Cobbone1 -

Something modern. Schiit or Mytek work really well with Squeezebox. :)

Older DAC's usually need a little help like a Wyred4Sound reclocker to sound their best.

I have used a SB touch from 44/16 to 96/24 with great results.


Welcome. Good sound, ironically perhaps, has practically nothing to do with the equipment. End of sermon. Oh, no offense to anyone with a system costing more than $100K.
I look at the cost of some of the equipment being considered and/or purchased and I think:

1) these people are all single neurosurgeons with no kids or
2) they have modest incomes, but their families are starving or
3) they are lying 

One thing in common - we love music and the equipment we play it on.