Well Tempered and EMT JSD S75 Cartridge

I am in the process of selecting a cartridge for my new Well Tempered GTA MkII turntable with LTD tone arm. 

I have been running the EMT TSD-15 Cartridge with the Auditorium T-2 step-up transformer on my Well Tempered Amadeus.

I've heard positive feedback on the EMT 75th Anniversary Cartridge (JSD S75).

I'd be interested in feedback from anyone using this combination. 


Thanks labpro- when you wrote statement below, I got a bit confused.
"I'm hoping that this Well Tempered/EMT combination will greatly improve my system."
Now you and Jim have me thinking about another EMT. 
Please chime back in if you end up making the move (-:
labpro, have you made any move to another cartridge?
Maybe you could also try the Decca/London cartridges.
I have a London Reference on my old Well Tempered Signature and this is fantastic!
I run both Amadeus and GTA tables... I have a Maple wood body Denon 103 on my Amadeus and tsd-15 on my GTA. I would love to try one of the London cartridges. They are not only supposed to be a good match for the WT, but also a good match in to my Croft phono. I have not had the opportunity to hear the Jsd-75 Anniversary. I consider the Tsd-15 to be a great value, and  I'm sure this holds true for the Tsd-75 that replaced it... The latter not to be confused with the JSD-75 Anniversary, which sells for quite a bit more money.

I ended up going for the EMT 75th Anniversary cartridge and the Well Tempered Amadeus GTA mkII.

I'd say there is a 60% improvement over my TSD-15......more expensive as fin04 points out, but honestly worth it.

I also went "all out" and got a Box Furniture Rack.

I'm running out of things to complain about with my system.