Well Tempered and EMT JSD S75 Cartridge

I am in the process of selecting a cartridge for my new Well Tempered GTA MkII turntable with LTD tone arm. 

I have been running the EMT TSD-15 Cartridge with the Auditorium T-2 step-up transformer on my Well Tempered Amadeus.

I've heard positive feedback on the EMT 75th Anniversary Cartridge (JSD S75).

I'd be interested in feedback from anyone using this combination. 


labpro, have you made any move to another cartridge?
Maybe you could also try the Decca/London cartridges.
I have a London Reference on my old Well Tempered Signature and this is fantastic!
I run both Amadeus and GTA tables... I have a Maple wood body Denon 103 on my Amadeus and tsd-15 on my GTA. I would love to try one of the London cartridges. They are not only supposed to be a good match for the WT, but also a good match in to my Croft phono. I have not had the opportunity to hear the Jsd-75 Anniversary. I consider the Tsd-15 to be a great value, and  I'm sure this holds true for the Tsd-75 that replaced it... The latter not to be confused with the JSD-75 Anniversary, which sells for quite a bit more money.

I ended up going for the EMT 75th Anniversary cartridge and the Well Tempered Amadeus GTA mkII.

I'd say there is a 60% improvement over my TSD-15......more expensive as fin04 points out, but honestly worth it.

I also went "all out" and got a Box Furniture Rack.

I'm running out of things to complain about with my system.

Looking into the EMT cartridge as well. Who do we contact for purchase? Tone imports does not seem to be responding to emails.
thank you.