Pathos Classic One MKiII vs. my separates

I have been thinking of downsizing my rig by going back to a hybrid integrated amplifier. I currently use a Jolida Fusion preamp with a BEL 1001 MK V amp to drive a pair of Esoteric MG 10 speakers (87dB sensitive, 6 ohms nominal dropping to 3.8 somewhere below 2000ohms).  I enjoy the Jolida/BEL combo, change is just for the downsize. I like the idea of tube pre/SS output of hybrid integrateds, having owned a Vincent in the past.  The Pathos is currently on offer here on AG. Asking for thoughts from members with knowledge of the Pathos. Thanks.
Great news, I think you are really going to like it and will be interested in your opinions after hearing it. Let it warm up for a half hour or so before listening.
I've had two pathi mono blocked for ten years and have been very happy with them.  In fact, I just received a new modded Marantz cd player from Dan Wright and have been listening all day to the player through the Pathi.  Great sound.  Good choice for you and happy listening.
Dill and rudge, thanks for the comments. I will get back to you regarding my thoughts once I have listened to this amp. 
The Pathos arrives safely and in great working order. I haven't yet listened to it enough to determine it's character referenced against my separates.  Will get back to all once I am more familiar. 

Any suggestions for tube rolling?
Yes, I recently acquired a matched pair of Matsushita-National 7DJ8 tubes (made in Japan) from a seller over at AudioMart. I only have a few hours on them, however they sound really good. The tubes they replaced are rare Valvo Cca’s, expensive and great sounding, but I am liking the 7DJ8’s!

Glad you got the Pathos ...