What ever happened to Krell ?

I know they're still in business but it seems to me they've lost their hiend status they once had.
I might be wrong ,but looking at their products of late the build quality and visual appeal looks cheaper.
The reviews are pretty consistent (available online), that the new Krell is good by most standards - but not all & certainly not as good or as detailed as the old Krell. Also that it is clearly not a Class A sound in the way that has previously existed at Krell or with other top competitors. Sterophile for example in their review said, "I was also well aware that the Krells’ sound was less refined overall. What I expect from class-A amplification—textural richness, suppleness, delicacy of attack, generous sustain, and far-as-the-ear-can-hear decays—never materialized."

Krell isn’t trying to be SOA, have no vision or intention of pushing any envelopes, but if they can be perceived as competent enough products that ride on their founders legacy while disowning him (most importantly while remaining profitable to please the private equity firm that pushed Dan out) - they call that success.

What review are you referring to john1?  Of course almost every review has its own special way of misleading the reader.
Perhaps  you are referring to the Absolute Sound review?  Some incorrect information in that review but overall positive.  Also, does anybody know who Herb Reichert is?  I read some of his reviews for Stereophile and couldn't help but choke on his absurdities and bias!

As always listen for yourself ; criticism without knowledge is pointless. I've been caught in high end audio madness for decades and I can tell you that Krell's current amps sound very 'high end'. It still kills me hearing how great it used to be but is no more. I remember tons of criticism of the older amps claiming they were bleached and analytical sounding in particular the high frequencies. Those criticisms of course also came from people with bias issues either one way or another. I've had several older units and truly can't say that they were any more musical than the current amps. I like them both.