XLR-Balanced Hybrid Hi-End Cable


I want to buy 2 pair of XLR Balanced Hybrid Hi-End Cable. I have pure silver cables and I want to try hybrid one to be sure which one is the best for my audio system. If you have any brand or model suggestion I will be appreciated.


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Hybrid Cable is made by mixture of silver and copper materials. If you use just silver BASS sounds are shiny or If I use copper BASS sounds are very vivid  which I experienced with my audio system.

I added a link just to make an example for hybrid cables.

Signal Cable's Silver Resolution is a nice "hybrid" that you can check out. I used to own these and they are really good cables. But when I switched to ClearDay Silvers, it was a major upgrade in sound. I did not experience any "shiny" bass. But I believe every system is different. Did you reach out to Paul at Clear Day?
Plenty of great cables out there that's for sure. Narrow it down to the ones you're interested in and see if you can find a store or if no store local I've had great luck with the manufacture sending them to me direct which is a no brainier - Try before you buy.

Paul of Clear Day Cables is a great guy and he does make very fine cables that embarrass many other brands out there that sale for much more. Paul always sent me cables with no money up front and paid after I knew I wanted to keep them. Bought many, many cables from Paul. 

I'm still enjoying my Clear Day Cables but have moved them into my daughters system and now using WyWires. Paul's cables are very good but the WyWires just take it to another level as they should because they cost more but the value is there as well. I haven't completely changed over so my system has a mix of the two that work very well together as well.

Both these lines are fine cables but you may prefer one over the other or another. I can say both Clear Day and WyWires will send to you direct and return your money if you don't like them; both great guys to work with.

The Kimber Kable Silver Streak XLR Balanced interconnect uses silver for both the positive and return leg, and copper for the ground. The RCA Single-Ended version on the other hand uses silver for the positive leg only, copper for both return and ground.

The Kimber Select (higher priced) line uses a mix of silver and copper in each leg in some of the models, pure copper or pure silver in others. The higher the silver content, the higher the price, of course.