Audiogon Anti-Lowball Offer setting

Hey everyone,

I don’t know if you all saw this but I got an e-mail from A’gon stating they have a new feature in place to hinder insane lowball offers.

After you log in go to your Account and select Edit Account. Then scroll down in the Policies section there is a check box to automatically reject lowball offers.


Lowball offers

Automatically reject offers below 55% of your asking price,

I wish this could be user specific. I would have set this to 45% off of listing price for my tastes but it is a start for Audiogon.

Thanks for passing that along.
Somehow I missed it!
Best regards...
When does an offer below the asking price become a "lowball" offer?

That is rhetorical question, right? As obviously "lowball" means many different things to many different people. I think everyone can agree that offering less than 55% of asking price is a "lowball" offer though.

I'll admit that 45%-55% below the asking price is ridiculous, but so are some of the asking prices I see here and on other sites.

What makes an asking price ridiculous? Another rhetorical question.

Let's face it, once you decide to sell any piece of equipment you just want it gone.

Not true. Maybe in my younger years I panicked , but I've learned that patience is a virtue, as a buyer or a seller. Just as some buyers will panic and overpay, some sellers will panic and undersell as well. It's human nature to want to take advantage of an impatient buyer/seller.
It may take me months to sell an item, but I would rather wait than give it away. I approach buying the same way.

In fact I will usually try to sell an item on another site for a couple of months before I break down and buy an ad on Audiogon.
Audio Asylum Trader and USAudiomart have lower traffic, but lower scammers too, and they are free.
Some items have even taken me years to sell. Almost everything sells eventually though.

" Automatically reject offers below 55% of your asking price "  &   " I would have set this to 45% off of listing price ".     What's the difference, as they equal the same discount(just different semantics)?    I have to agree, lowballers are annoying and letting the seller determine the acceptable knock-off rate would be a good practice.    
Once again, Audiogon sticking it's nose where it doesn't belong. A "low ball" offer can develop through productive discussions. Too much policing again and anything to get their fees.
Selling an item for $1000 . Twenty percent ($200) is max i would even consider if listed conservatively .