Do these speakers exist?

1) Time and phase-aligned (thus 1st-order xovers).

2) At least 90dB/W/m sensitive, 6+ ohms nominal and 20W SET-friendly (flat impedance).

3) Two or three way.

4) Floorstanders - flat to 35-40Hz.

5) Under $10K.

The new Thiel 3.7 qualifies. Is there another speaker? I can think of several with all but one of those qualities but none with all of them.
No ribbon or horns well hope you have listened to the new transducers but if you dont like nothing wrong with that. Have you considered a PHY 12in coaxil in a OB? Very good with SET amps. You could DIY a pair or have probuilt. I do custom work and would suggest a accuton c13-6 tweeter, accuton c90-t6 mid.Aura 12in woofers with built in 500watt power amps. system would be 6ohms 92db 1 watt and since self powered your SET wouldnt be clipping on deep bass notes.Depending on cabinet finish retail shipped arround $5000 I could offer a 90db version that wouldnt need a bass amplifier for $4250.Just a thought dont mean to give you a hard sell just thought you might like the option of a custom built system.JK-K.C.S.
Silverline is 1st order? That surprises me.

Here's a thought: the floorstanders from Reference 3A. They are not as strictly time and phase aligned as GMA or Thiel or Vandersteen, but otherwise I think they meet the requirements.
Hmmmmm... in my opinion, it makes more sense to choose speakers first and then get the amplifier to drive them. You may not be able to find a speaker that meets all your requirements including amplifier compatibility, but I'm pretty sure you can find an amp that will work with the speakers you want.

For instance, there are quite a few 845-based SET amps that will drive 4 ohm speakers no problem. Shoot me an e-mail if you'd like a couple of suggestions. That would put the Green Mountain Audio Calypso back on the table, which I think would be an excellent choice given your priorities.

Duke, you're absolutely right! Except that I already have a pair of Consonance Cyber 845 monos that I really, really like and just don't want to part with.

I really am into SET... I have been through zillions of amps and want to stick with SET. There are more powerful sets than these 845 monos but they are either much more expensive or don't sound as good or both.

You are quiet right that they may well drive a 4Ohm load with no problems. You may be right. All the GM speakers are VERY flat impedance, too. It was the 88dB sensitivity that is of more concern... requiring nearly double power for same SPL. My room is completely open.. the numbers are marginal there.

Also, I've not heard the. The C3s "blew me away". If they weren't $17K... not that I need any new speakers at all.. this is perhaps only a long-term planning thing. Would you believe I bought new (demo) Hyperion 938s less than 6 months ago? Am I pathetic, or what?!

We really do need an audioholics anonymous.. for real. :-}
The Vandersteens are just a bit off on the sensitivity. 87 is not high enough. Not in an open room. I'll have to try to hear these speakers, though. Never heard them.

Is the question stupid? Forget about 845 SETs if you want speakers like this? Yes, well, maybe at least one of these "requirements" has to give. That may be the way it is. That's why I asked.

A bit more on single-drivers: in my experience they can sound quite good but, again, just not "SOTA". The GM C3s blew me away and meet all the criteria *except* price. The Thiel 3.7s did too but not to quite the same extent. And it may be true that those will not do well with 20-30W either.