Do these speakers exist?

1) Time and phase-aligned (thus 1st-order xovers).

2) At least 90dB/W/m sensitive, 6+ ohms nominal and 20W SET-friendly (flat impedance).

3) Two or three way.

4) Floorstanders - flat to 35-40Hz.

5) Under $10K.

The new Thiel 3.7 qualifies. Is there another speaker? I can think of several with all but one of those qualities but none with all of them.

Showing 2 responses by audiokinesis

Hmmmmm... in my opinion, it makes more sense to choose speakers first and then get the amplifier to drive them. You may not be able to find a speaker that meets all your requirements including amplifier compatibility, but I'm pretty sure you can find an amp that will work with the speakers you want.

For instance, there are quite a few 845-based SET amps that will drive 4 ohm speakers no problem. Shoot me an e-mail if you'd like a couple of suggestions. That would put the Green Mountain Audio Calypso back on the table, which I think would be an excellent choice given your priorities.

Paul wrote:

"Roy is such a great guy to deal with, such an asset to the industry, and has taken so much time to answer questions, I'd honestly feel a bit guilty about buying them used."

Wow. Paul, I take my hat off to you, that you would want to support Roy even though it's not the most cost-effective route.

Now I don't mean anything against those who do buy used - you make the audio world go 'round! For instance, most of the time my customers have to sell something before they can buy what I'm peddling. Were it not for Audiogon, I'd make very few big-ticket sales.

Very best wishes to you, Paul. I hope you and a nice new pair of Green Mountain Audio speakers somehow end up together.
