Are you bored to tears with the topics lately?

I haven't read a spicy fight here on Audiogon in ages. What happened to you all?
I tried to reach Carl a couple of times kind'a 2 yrs now but one response and then silence....

Think this comes and goes..... I look to tweak my system more and hear more music nowadays... job is getting most of my time and look forwar to a quiter season during the holidays...

Still try to decide which digital source to invest in ...
performance/money/obsolescence keep tormenting my mind..
good ol Pioneer 626 died on me some 2 moths ago...
But sill listening.. Isn't it what really matters???
Perhaps given your system and the ugliness of your chair, you should get yourself a litter, help up by a half dozen politically incorrect virgins to ensure that your ears are at tweeter height. How's that? By the way digital sucks!
Michael Moore is nothing more than an opportunist who capitalized on peoples fears with lies to make himself some money.

Seems like Moore and Dubya are two peas in a pod then!!
Very disappointed that so many pick up on the Dan Brown reference(yes, boa--agree it's dumbed-down), bur NOBODY commented on the Marx Brothers reference! And to think I almost thought I'd found the elusive worthy club that would even have me(let alone Slappy!) as a member.

Wanna stir it up, fine.

Hey Sam Tellig: Quit talking about the Inmates and pick on us for a change!
Hey Big Andy: HAVE YOU GONE AWAY? He is the all caps retailer, right? You should have the ALL CAPS OLYMPICS with a certain pomp-ass from Philly. Winner is the one with the highest $ value system that customers aren't allowed to listen to.
Hey Shun Monks: I'd like to buy some wooden disks to put on my I-pod. Do you have anything for < $300 that will make MP3s sound like music and will grant me infinite wisdom? I could go $350 for the infinite wisdom.
Last thought, a pub full of the posters in this thread would be a hell of a lot of fun. Cheers,