Vendors Who Post

There are a number of vendors who post to Audiogon discussion threads. I think we can fairly assume that all of them have disclosed that there are in fact vendors and are not hiding this important fact. In my experience, most vendors are very helpful here and do not attempt to primarily use the threads as a marketing tool to solicit customers. They use the threads to give useful information pertaining to their products, to clear up misunderstandings about their products and to correct misperceptions about their products. Most vendors post in a professional way with an appropriate tone. But, alas, there are some vendors who are less professional than others on these forums, in my opinion. How do you feel about the vendors who post here?
As long as they're not hawking their wares like some carnival barker, I'm fine with their advice. Even when they offer their product as a palliative, as long as that palliative has a proven track record, and it fits into the discussion, then it's okay with me. It should never be passed off as a cure.

It's a fine line to toe. The same can even be said for reviewers, engineers, et al, anyone who has a particular expertise and a leg up on others.

They can offer advice but not push their product as the end all to end all.

All the best,
Most are fine.

A few add little value and seem to muddle issues intentionally.

To better service the users/customers, Audiogon needs better controls in general to help control misinformation and/or nonsense. However, AUdiogon does not seem overly interested in censorship except if it is bad for business. I understand that. There are many grey areas in high end audio. WHere to draw the line? So it is what it is.

Even misinformation can be information to the discerning reader........
Allow me to chime in on this subject as I'm one of the manufactures that will if I see fit post on a subject.

I am careful as to not offer opinion in a post if it is about my product, unless someone asks a specific question about it, or if i feel someone is offering misinformation about some of what I make.

My most frequent post will be if someone asks about what phono preamp to choose, that question actually comes up often, I will encourage the OP to include our Liberty in his/her search include a link to our site that one has the option to click on. I always identify my self as the maker of the product.

It is my job to make awareness about our products in this an any other forum, and if someone asks about what to choose - why is it an issue to make awareness about another option available.

As Always, good listening

I find it hard to believe these vendors have nothing better to do, so they visit this forum. It's all marketing. They are either marketing their product or marketing theirselves. Many folks may think it's ok, I think it is inappropriate. Vendors should advertise in the proper manner.