Whats on your turntable tonight?

For me its the first or very early LP's of:
Allman Brothers - "Allman Joys" "Idyllwild South"
Santana - "Santana" 200 g reissue
Emerson Lake and Palmer - "Emerson Lake and Palmer"
Beethoven - "Piano Concerto No. 4 in G Major" Rudolph Serkin/Ozawa/BSO
Black Sabbath - Sabotage
Hawkwind - Hall of the Mountain Grill
Neil Young - Hawks and Doves 

Norah Jones - Day Breaks ( Blue Note )

love the smoky groove... just in time for happy hour
Post removed 

Philip Glass
The Hours

never saw this film but the music is incredibly emotional.  Lots of cello.   Sounds well produced.  More accessible Maybe than much of his other stuff.  
Spirit- streaming The Hours now - perfect for the rain here.... even the ancient Labrador cut short the walk
@slaw thanks so much Steve for the Cardas sweep record- works like a charm :-) Norah hits the high notes

Sting - Nothing Like the Sun

$1 bin diving at a Goodwill, how snobby can we be ?...
Sting - Dream of the Blue Turtles

visually nm- but several skips on play....

to the full pile she goes....
Tomic601 : thanks for the Norah Jones tip, “Day Breaks”. The repeating bass riff is pretty cool. And she has a great voice..
Broke into this....

Dire Straights - Love Over Gold ( MoFi 45 RPM )

.... this is revelatory.... I probably sold a cool million in big iron with the OP and completely burned out on it.... thirty years later and it is reborn....
@tomic601  - I don't have "Love Over Gold" on vinyl. BION, I've never hear the album, just "Industrial Disease". Headed to Spotify to stream it now.
Hamburger Concerto

every time I listen to this I am amazed by the originality of the arrangements and the facility of the musicianship.  It really is genius.  
noise on the power grid here has faded and the music is sparkling and soaring

Having one of those 6SN7 out of body experiences

maybe I should get better power conditioning and trip like this all day...

+1 @mapman.  Yeah.  I love the early stuff with Sinclair’s organ but I also like the later stuff with the more contemporary keyboards.  It was still pre-80s real analogue sound.  But what I really like about the later stuff is that Pye’s guitar work is more upfront.  I just really like that guys music.  

I mean, I think for a lot of guys who are a little older than I am who we’re into grey & pink when it came out think that the later stuff just isn’t as good.  (Maybe like camel fans who don’t love the post Bardens camel).  It is a little different but it’s still sweet music.  
Caravan - Cunning Stunts

thanks Spiritofradio- first time I have heard this :-)
Hey Jim, you’re very welcome. I think my favorite caravan record is ‘girls who grow plump in the night’. You might like it. Progressive rock with a quick light touch and hilarious lyrics (actually the music itself can kinda put a smile on your face...)

Of course I’m assuming that you’ve heard ‘in the land of grey and pink’.  It’s great.  Side 2 is a classic.  
I have not.... I somehow missed a lot of music.... mixing sound for a Punk / Rockabband will do that to ya in your formative years.... ha

i want to be home when the postman delivers that disc..., just saying
Charles Mingus  - Ah Um  - new Mofi One Step Ultradisc showed up on my door step today, it is excellent 

Now playing  - Bill Evans - Portraits in Jazz  - Mofi one Step- pretty perfect 
Patty Griffin- Silver Bell

seeking refuge in the music department....

but a/b the TT against the 44x24 Qobuzz stream...

what we’re the results of your TT vs. Qobuz test?   You have a nice TT, how does Qobuz compare?
James.....tough question but i was mighty impressed how well the 44.1 x 24 stood up to LP. It is raining cats and dogs so no hyper critical listening just now...

Does anyone have a bootleg copy of Silver Bell?

btw Qobuzz has 3 x Patty albums in the x24 format, all at least thru my name DAC benefit from the greater bit depth.
@slaw was thinking of ya today :-) scored tickets to Hiatt / Jerry Douglas in August and then Teskey Brothers in October...

jazzed !!!!
Well what a bummer!
Had bought a ticket to see Blue October at St.Augustine this Sunday.
Just found out they have cancelled ALL concerts in Jacksonville and St.Augustine until further notice.


@tomic601 ,

Those are all great ones. I saw The Teskey Brothers were going to be around my area this spring/summer.