Schiit Aegir-Burn in Period

I have recently purchased two New Schiit Aegir Amps and running them in a mono balanced set-up. Can anyone with experience advise on an appropriate burn in period for the amps? Or, generally, what is a reasonable period of time to break-in solid state class A amps.


Depends on how you do it, burn in with playing music at your normal listening level will get the internal components settled faster than just let the amp power on at idle. And it is not good for a class A amp power on at idle for long hours.

IME, most solid state power amp settled down less than 100 hours. YMMV.

Thanks for that, I was reading up on another thread and was shocked at the amount of time required for some components during the break in period. I do not run at idle for more than an hour, then I am listening to music, I must be getting close to the 100 hours mark. Bob

My long-gone Odyssey Stratos amp took 500 hours to break in.  My McIntosh amps around 200 hours.

I have broken in many solid state and tube devices. Including Schiit. I would try and avoid drawing any conclusions before 200 hours. My high end Audio Research takes 600 hours to improve to most of it’s potential, but continues subtitly to 1,000 hours. I would consider yours mostly broken in at 200.

200 hours seems to be a good. That’s what it took with the Hegel H390.

All the best.


Thanks to all for the input, I think I am close to reaching 100 hours and was wondering if I can expect any additional improvement. So far so good. Thanks Bob.

I just got an Aegir 2 today, and within first 20 minutes, pushed it into protection mode.  It simply couldn't handle some serious George Duke funk!

Oh... and I'm running it into my Cornwall IV's.  I really like the sound so far, but the high's have a papery swishy sound to to them, that I hope will clear up When or IF it  breaks in.  I'm hearing other really good qualities though, but if it keeps shutting down on me, that will be a deal breaker.  I really thought 30wpc would be plenty for my Cornwalls.


@mirolab  I ended up returning the Aegir 2 because it was going into protection at lower volume than my original Aegir, which surprised me.  I ended up returning it for that reason and getting another OG Aegir to run monoblocks.  Very happy with them.  To be honest, though, I liked the sound of the Aegir 2 more than the OG Aegir.  It’s a great amp.

I just ordered an Aegir 2 amp yesterday and I'm a little wary over if going to be enough power for my B&W 706 s2 speakers. The minimum wpc of the B&W's is 30 the same as the max of Aegir 2 is 30. I have been using an Emotiva BasX A4 bi-amped to 4 channels with 100 wpc and it sounds pretty good to me. But I can't help but wonder how much better it would sound with a higher quality of an amp. I guess I'm weighing out if losing the much higher wpc with the emotiva will negate the benefit of low wattage but a higher sonic quality I have a Rel T/X7 for the bottom which hopefully helps enough given that the Aegir 2 lower wpc may give off a lower bass impression off the speakers themselves. I would love to hear all of your opinions before the Aegir is shipped.

Both my Schitt Yggi+ DACs took 1 month of heavy playing to settle. My Aegir, which is used as a headphone amp did not take much time. It runs hot so maybe that helps in the components settling faster.

BTW - I put together a new headphone system 2 days ago after having some of the components idle for the longest time.

Schitt Aegir 1 amp | Schitt Mjolnir v3 preamp | Schitt Yggi+ Less Is More DAC  | RAAL CA-1a phone | RAAL TI-1b interface

I had other DACs in the chain before and it was sonically close to my RAAL VM-1a tube headphone amp, but really not as nice. However, now with the LIM DAC I am almost at the VM-1a level. A shocking surprise and one that allows me to move the VM-1a to another room.

The Aegir is one nice amp. 



@grh1958 the Aegir can be run as mono blocks to get about 80 watts. That only works with XLR inputs into the Aegir, so your preamp needs XLR outs. The stereo Aegir only works with RCA.

Schitt does have a 15-day home trial period.

@yyzsantabarbara I have the Freya + and that has XLR outs on it. I didn't realize until this morning that Shiit has another amp with about 60 wpc the RAGNAROK 2. It is a $100 more. Well like you say there's a 15 home trial but I would imagine that the postage would be on me. Here's to hoping that a Class A amp is worth the sacrifice of power and the dynamics of bi-amping.

I have not heard the RAGNAROK INTEGRATED AMP but this is what I would do. Call these guys after 10AM PST Thurs - Sun. 

The Schiitr

22508 Market Street

Newhall, CA 91321
(661) 495-1618*

Open Thursday thru Sunday, 10AM-6PM.**

I live very close by, and I think I will drop by on Friday after my trip to LAX airport. I called up last month to inquire about a DAC and I think I was given great advice which has saved me thousands on my previous idea of the DAC I want.

I think 2 Aegirs maybe the way I go but it would depend on the speakers. The Aegirs likely work better on the B&W because of the Class A. The Aegir is a dedicated amp while the RAGNAROK has features you do not need since you have the Freya+.

BTW - When I had the Freya+ I liked it with a Benchmark AHB2. Not sure how that would match with B&W buit I used that combo with a bright headphone and had no fatigue issues. I think the B&W would work.



@yyzsantabarbara I just watched a review comparing the Aegir 2 to a Vidar 2 amp also made by schitt and that amp sounded promising as well. The Aegir has already shipped and it’s just as well because it’s the only way I’ll know for sure if it’s what I want. I live in Northern N.H. close to the Canadian border. It’s a small town of about 2500 people and there isn’t any high end audio gear stores out here. I don’t really know anyone personally up here that even has a stereo, lol. So I do need to shop online places with a good return policy and schiit’s isn’t bad. I googled the amp Benchmark AHB2 and it looks pretty badass, but a little rich for me. I recently bought a gustard A26 dac and after I upgrade my amp I’m going to have to tighten my audio gear budget for a while. Thanks for the info and suggestion about calling schiit and I think I will.

There was a review of the Vidar and Benchmark AHB2. The Vidar did well against the AHB2.  The AHB2 is not one I would recommend with B&W but since you have the Freya+ that would work. If you can make the Aegir work power wise, then that would be a good system.

@yyzsantabarbara I got my Aegir 2 about a week ago and the wpc isn't an issue for music at all. I do watch some TV shows off the internet, so on one occasion I turned up the volume on a weak but bassy audio signal that had the woofers visibly bouncing on the B&W"s and the aegir shut down in protective mode. Other than that I can turn it up louder than I need to for streaming music. It has a full fat hi end soundstage that I'm more happy with, though I would have liked to have heard the Vidar amp in comparison, but don't want or really need the hassle The amp did cause a little listening fatigue for the first few days but it has been broken in so that it isn't an issue anymore. The rich sound it gives off seems to travel a greater distance at the same volume level than my emotiva amp did, I can hear in more in another room.This is a very addictive hobby though and I'm already focusing on other tweaks. I appreciated your helpful and encouraging input. Thanks!!

@grh1958 Congrats on the Aegir working for you. I have not heard the Vidar but I would rather take a chance on the Aegir over the Vidar. Even though the Aegir is low cost it is a rather good Class A. My Aegir 1 suffers a bit from mechanical noise that is really not that bad and your Aegir 2 has resolved. Sonically the Aegir is really good.

I moved my killer tube headphone amp to another room because an all Schitt stack came close to the headphone amp. That gave me options.

Schitt Aegir 1 | Schitt Mjolnir v3 preamp | Schitt Yggi+ Less Is More DAC.

@yyzsantabarbara The Schitt Yggi+ Less Is More DAC looks like a pretty good deal, I would imagine that it just oozes a quality sound. A fews months ago I replaced my denafrips ares with a used gustard A26 for a pretty good price. I think it went at more of a discount because of MQA’s format is being discontinued but’s still a very good sounding dac.

While I know that headphones can offer a fantastic soundstage my preference has always been chest thumping speakers. If I lived in an apartment I would definitely consider them or have both but I own a house without any neighbors that are close enough to worry about.

Shiit does seem to offer good quality products for reasonable prices which in the world of audiophile gear their value stands out. I never intended to make home audio a hobby, but I kind of fell into about 2 or 3 years ago by just telling myself I’m just going to upgrade this this one component and then I’ll be done. Somewhere along the line I just couldn’t stop. I’m not wealthy and this hobby seems to be a really big money pit 🤑, but I really enjoy listening to music as well as tweaking and upgrading.

I hear it’s pretty hot out your way in Santa Barbara so stay out of the hot sun. 🏝


I bought and then sold a lot of gear that cost a lot more than the Schitt gear I had. The amps and preamps from them are good and bettered by other gear I have. The Yggi+ DAC is amazing, both of mine are keepers, the OG and the LIM. I am done buying gear, except for the new RAAL 1995 Immanis headphone. Not really a hobby for me. Buying and selling this stuff was not something I wanted to do but it turned out I needed to do.

Santa Barbara is not too hot like LA. I am in the warmest part of town, and it has only hit 90 degrees 1 time this year.

And Now For Some Serious Good Schiit (Skoll Yggy!) - Reviews - Audiophile Style