Sad news - Jay sold his new Rockport Lyra speakers

Just released, after five months of mystery, new speakers that replaced the Wilson chronosonic $350 mil speakers, that were announced with all kinds of fanfare just a few weeks ago are on their way out.

So the $200,000 Rockport lyras, we learn in a dramatic and solemn 90 minute video, were not acceptable so they had to go.

Not everyone has a forum that allows disposal of speakers as does Jay. How incredibly difficult it must be for anyone to make such a serious investment and then be disappointed. And the rest of us who didn’t buy the speakers at a discount will somehow come to terms with a $50-$80,000 loss and that’s just downright depressing.

How does one buy speakers in the vast six digits range? And then how difficult it must be to admit to yourself, and then to your wife, that you’re unhappy. And then how does one muster the courage to go on and purchase another incredibly expensive speaker. Personally I found buying every audio component incredibly annoying and challenging yet you carry on hoping the prize at the end of the unpleasant journey Will be worth it.

Personally I think all the time about upgrading my speaker and then when I see things like this I’m at a loss as to what to do. These types of miserable experiences should be Hidden from public view as it impacts all of us. It’ll be a while before I get over this, maybe I should begin focussing on my thoughts to upgrade my pre-amplifier or replace tubes on my amplifier. Or maybe I should just learn to be satisfied with what I have.






My thoughts exactly, not everything you see on YouTube is the gospel truth, I take it with a grain of salt.  I don’t know of many people who can afford to swap speakers worth hundreds of thousands of dollars every six months.  It’s almost more like he has a deal going with certain HiFi dealers and or manufacturers where he demos and promotes the products on a YouTube channel and in fact not pay anything for them. Again I don’t know the guy and it maybe it is indeed legit, but I don’t know anyone able to do this other than someone like Bill Gates perhaps.

Jay doesn't buy speakers or for that matter any gear for SQ it's all just a show. 

Jay has always been about changing gear.  That's what he enjoys.  His first post here back in 2016 was reviews of about 50 amps that he had tried with his ML Montis speakers. 

He says he earns the money to do it and not shortchange his family.  If that's the case, it's OK with me.  As we used to say, it's a free country. 

@mahgister you’re a standup philosopher. Lol

You earned the title and it has nothing to do with what you’re advocating

Acoustics ( which is not mere room acoustic) rule audio experience not gear price tag...

It takes Jay many years and hundred of amplifiers reviews to learn that...😊

And some here call me bullshitter because i advocate a rational and wise ratio S.Q./price ... What i called relatively low cost for a minimal acoustical satisfaction threshold...

( Some dont understand the word "/relatively"/ i used because we all differ in budget, needs, and goal; they ask me how much ? 😊)

Probably because sound experience is the result of purchase instead of experiments and optimal installation for them ...

The marketing consumerism is so potent people had forgot that audiophilia was about creativity ... Then some of these "rich" or deluded owners of very costly gear call me "tin foil hat" ...They cannot fathom the idea that a 1,000 bucks system or a 10,000 bucks one can be top audiophile experience for many reasons...


OP dont upgrade your speakers if they sound acceptable BEFORE studying the many ways to improve them on all aspects by mechanical,electrical and acoustical simple methods and devices...


«Play with me my Dear instead of upgrading me»--Groucho Marx🤓

If you listen to YouTube influencers and follow their lead, don’t be mad at them. They’re there to make money on views. The only person to blame is you for being that naive to believe in this BS. 
Pure entertainment. Nothing else. If you don’t like it, don’t watch it. 

Steve Huff said that the Fleetwood Deville SQ's speakers were the ones he would die owning. Then, he realized he was an influencer and that he would not get clicks and likes if he didn't change his opinion. So, he changed it. End-game, no more. Just like that.

Step right up, suckers.