Any vets among the Audiophiles here?

With the anniversary of D-Day, and Flag day taking place recently there has been a lot of thought given to the people who fought and in many cases died to our freedom. I don't just mean in the US.

Keeping those things in mind I was wondering if we have any vets here. I know Slappy was in the service, and look what it did to him!!!: ) I don't know if you want to mention it here, but I want to take a moment to thank you for the service you provided to your country.

All of the freedoms we have including the chance to simply sit around and listen to music was won for all of us.

Thank You!
Vietnam Vet 1967. Stationed in Vung Tau. Bought my first stereo a Teac tape deck.
Amen to the above two posts. A job far more than well done, as close to perfectly executed as could ever exist on this earth.

Thank God for all of you, and thank you all!
Thanks to every Veteren for their sacrifice. Excellent job, Seal Team 6!

USN 1984-1987 FC2
Firecontrolman Missles
Navy Seals Special Ops mission accomplished. Thank you! And thanks to all the above Vets.
Sorry-I feel different! I always concidered it an honor to work defending my Country. Never expected anything in return, certainly never expected to become a
millionare. Worked my Butt off, but had the priveledge to
work with some of the most professional people that I ever met. We were too busy focusing on our jobs, and never let
Politics come between us. Hell, the Navy never asked who I
voted for to send to Washington D.C., they just bent over backwards making sure that my Vote counted. That was the
type of Democracy that I defended, and would gladly do again! MM2-USN-1982-2002.
Macrojack, it's encouraging to hear someone who hasn't drank their kool-aid. I just can't understand the ignorance of the public at large. Their latest invention, the "TP" created by who but one of there own who retired as a Texas house member, went to work as a lobbyist immediately after and came up with the brilliant idea of inventing the TP. Brilliant because it would take a brilliant sell job for anyone to sell Dick Armey's invention to the public at large...but ignorance alone is the biggest threat to what remains of democracy...we can't even have fair elections thanks to Diebold...America is under it's biggest threat and it's obvious to anyone who truly informs themselves with honest facts who the biggest threat to democracy is.
Mrmitch you're preachin' to the choir brother! I'll go a step further and say all those who currently hold a seat in power who've repeatedly used patriotism and the troops as a political weapon every chance they get, whilst at the same time voting against true reforms which truly support the troops should be called out for what they truly are: HIPOCRITE'S.

Call 'em what they normal workin' folk can continue to vote these thugs into office is beyond me...don't get me started. Support the troops by supporting them in deeds not empty so called patriotic words...I can't understand people continuing to fall for their crap....and obviously we don't need to specify who "they" are. Okay, I feel mucho better after venting in a forum.
Yup. Isochronism is right we are in debt to our veterans and I don't think it will ever be fully repaid. I donate whenever I can to veterans charities. This is chessy but when I was selling CDs and DVDs on other sites I never shied away from selling to buyers who were in the armed forces. It was a pain in the butt filling out all that paperwork at the post office but my thoughts were at least I'm helping entertain them a small way.
Mrmitch - We take excellent care of our billionaire veterans. The small people are on their own.

When the Repubs were threatening to shut down our government, I read a letter to the editor from a soldier in Iraq. He said that those who were stationed over there in the war zone would have their pay postponed and asked why Congress was going to continue receiving their checks during the shutdown. I felt he made a very good point.

It's high time we all get mad. And lets get straight about who's to blame - don't fall into The Tea Party nonsense. It's the rich who are starving vets and robbing us blind.
Yes, Nam '70-'71. My politics lead me to be outraged that ANY veterans are homeless in this country. FEMA had all those un-used small trailers sitting around doing nothing-why arent they or something like them being GIVEN to vets who served our country??!! I'm not proposing anything so radical as the only people who are considered true citizens are those who served, ala Heinlein in Starship Troopers, but why arent we doing more for our vets? I'm not in the position financially to do a lot, but I do send cigars and magazines over to troops in Iraq and Afghanistan through a community program here. I wrote my Congressman about doing more for the homeless vets, no response.--Mrmitch
Currently in Bagram, Afghanistan right now... Browsing the 'Gon for stuff to blow my deployment money on...
Master Sgt.U.S.Army(Retired)00B-50(Master Diver)1977-1999.I've been out almost 12 years now & I still miss it every day!
Yes, some of us lived a spoiled existance during their time in, but hey you must admit though having to leave Hawaii and all its worldly charms (at least in '73) behind and being sent to a rock that small was a prison sentence for some. I used to feel bad leavin' all those cats in the barracks...okay for about 30 seconds after rollin' off base.

Hong Kong was a find back in those days, and you're absolutely right, one could buy anything electronic for cheap. If back then I'd have any idea what some of that gear from that generation would be worth nowadays as vintage gear on eBay and other locations I'd have invested some of my mispent $320 a month salary on it just to save for a rainy day. Who knows, I could be livin' it large right now back in Agana, Guam. Nahhhhhhh, but Odessa, Ukraine would be a much better choice. As they say on Guam, Hafadai!
Six Month Restoration in Guam, when Homeported at Pearl? It sounds like you were already on WestPac. Been to those exact same locations on deployment, still remember the best place was Hong Kong. You could get your Nakamichi, Pioneer, Teac, Sony, Stax, Esoteric half price of what you would pay for same back in U.S. Endless shopping for these at the Worlds Largest Mall there in Hong Kong, not to mention the other exotic stuff there. The latest and greatest Technology was readily available there at 1/2 price! Nakamichi was the brand to go for back then, damn good value for the money!
January '74 the USS Ponchatoula A0-148, home ported out of Pearl, and its crew enters drydock for a 6 month restoration in Guam.

We're not too jazzed about being on Guam, an island 26 miles long and 8 miles wide located in the deepest waters of the Pacific, aka the Mariana trench, but the ships crew is jazzed and motivated to get this restoration project started and completed because everyone knows that a WestPac cruise is on the horizon upon completion of all dry dock repair.

6 months of barrack lodging, with open air cubicles two to a cubicle. You'd enter that barracks each evening and hear every type of music imaginable being played via the latest Sansui's, Pioneer's, Technique's, just to name a few. RR, Jazz, R&B, even Country before Country was kewl. All blending into this seamless sound of feel good energy. Black, White, Asian, Hispanic, Indian, all shoulder to shoulder and cohabitating side by side in a close environment. I can still sense the smell of empty kegs, and a very vivid memory of hours upon endless hours of playin' SPADES. Trump that!

Those were the good ol' days. And I left out the best part. Bertha Butt, as some of my cohorts named her, a small framed Guamanian gal I dated who'd pick me up outside the barracks in her shiny new '73 Datsun 240 Z. I was 18, and the envy of a barracks full of cats who I left behind listening to their gear because I was one of a few that actually had landed a date with a local. Well, life was good on Guam for some of us. And following drydocks, PI, Bangkok, Singapore, Yokuska, Sydney, Wellington...Ahhhh sweet it was. And made even better every knot of the way by the sounds of Pioneer and Sansui state of the art sound acquired on an E3's salary. $320 a month!

Don't be a stranger, Contranel. We can live with your Politics, to each his own. We are just more curious about what kind of Stereo System you have, at the risk of souding a little materialistic. I counter that it is more about the Music, than the material. I don't think that is a bad character flaw. I suggest that we stop looking for character flaws, and converts, and just appreciate the Music we have. Its getting tougher in an aggressively Politically split Society, but we definitely need a Music Vacation from all of the noise.
Actually I was referring to the gov't the people didn't elect, but what's it matter, it's now am I. Best to all!
I think that the Coup D'etat is the one that Coltranel, and Macrojack are proposing. Of course with them conveniently in charge, instead of that interfering Constitutional Mandate! I will take a Constitutional Mandate any day over a Coltranel/Macrojack Mandate, perhaps I might have just a little bit more Freedom that way. You guys want to rule over people, perhaps I can recommend you overthrowing a Caribbean Island somewhere! Just leave me with my Constitutional Rights that I served 20 years to protect! I think that I have EARNED it!
government run amuck??? i didn't know there had been a coup d'etat or do you mean the one the american people elected?
Coltrane1, I know you are a vet; why would I thank you for your service othewise? As far as public forums, yes, you are free to add your comments; just as I am free to ask they stay on topic. I honestly don't know why you think there is a lot of flag-waving or romanticizing going on here or that you need to shine a light on anything other than your service (by that, I mean highlight your service).

Anyway, I am outta here for now. This has gone way off topic from the original OP's question.

Best to you, Coltrane1. After all, anyone who is a vet, retired law enforcement, and who owns an Akita, well, that's pretty cool.
Leave it to me to shine a flashlight of reality check and ruin a perfectly good fantasy, aka, a gov't run amuck.

It may only be my experience, but Caveat Emptor's share something in common with dictator's...each has a short shelf life with those they attempt to rule, control, or dictate to...especially to former vets who've served both their country and their community vocationally their entire lives.

Finsup, unbeknownst to you, you're addressing a vet in a free speech public forum, who also happens to be a retired law enforcement official that spent his entire career having no idea it was illegal to go off topic in an audio forum.

Thank you for enlightening least of all me, and thank you for your service as well.

And might the record reflect that I've nothing but gratitude for the 4 years I spent serving and never expressed otherwise. I'm of the belief it's far more patriotic and honest to point out a truth than it is to wave flags and romanticize over a past life whilst ignoring what's actually happening now.
And if that questioning would/could establish a better form of democracy than we've experienced the 55 or so years of my lifetime then I for one would be proud if that questioning began on an AG forum. Coltrane1

Coltrane1 -- if you want to question that point. Fine, then start another thread. I'll even join in. My point is, this thread was meant to be about veteran audiophiles. Most, if not all the posters prior to your post and Macrojack's post, simply listed their tours of duty and maybe some of the equipment they picked up while serving.

We did it (posted) without any flag-waving or chest- beating. We did it without social or political commentary. We did it without trying to justify, or bitch, about our service. I didn't see any flag-waving and as far as I know, no politican has come into this thread to use or abuse any vet. Someone asked the question back in June of 2004 if there were any vets on these boards. And pretty that much has been what this thread has been about until your post.

So I ask myself this question, why is it that someone feels the need to come in and derail the thread? That might not be your intent, but we have wandered pretty far a field, talking about China, slavery, continuous war, defense spending.

Thank you for your service, BTW.

Pettyofficer, I appreciate the spirit of your post but I am not sure this thread is meant to be about slavery either.

The war spending is bankrupting our country and reducing the number of discretionary dollars that can go to audio purchases. Have you been effected [sic] yet? Macrojack

Macrojack, yes, I have been affected, but not nearly as much as the spending (paid for, of course, by me and thee) on non-discretionary entitlement spending since that piece of the federal budget dwarfs defense spending.

So now I have gone and done it and made my own, but last, political comment in this thread.
U.S. Army Infantry '87-'91. Mostly Ft. Hood, where there was no light infantry, but spent a year in Korea. While I was in Korea I picked up a Carver CT7 pre-amp and a Yamaha MX1000 amp. Also got a couple of Kenwood MV5 monitors. Blew the Yamaha up back in the states and picked up a Carver TFM25 amp at FT. Hood. That stuff replaced my Marantz 2226 when I got home. I still have the Marantz.
Any dissatisfied vets among Audiophiles who hear, and see, what's been done to this country this past generation could be equally as great a discussion other than "I bought my first Sansui receiver at the Yokuska Navy Exchange during my tour of duty in '73." It's great to walk down memory lane reading all these posts. Takes me back to my first WestPac know way back when America had two major bases in the Phillippines. Why'd we leave? Oh, silly me, that's right, we were told to get the bleep out. It's been downhill ever since we were told to leave Clark AFB and Subic Bay.

There's no true moral compass in this country. Where's my proof? What's the original date of this thread? 15 months after the second Gulf war was initiated. And it's still going with no end in sight. Never mind the recent troop withdrawals. There's your proof. Anyone with half a brain knows USA has no intention of leaving that part of the world. And to think how so many experts mocked the war critics when they mentioned beforehand that entering the gulf would be another Vietnam. Meanwhile, the drum beat of war continues. I can understand the desire to wish it all away and drown out the sound of young fellow vets dying daily by cranking up the tunes, but hey that won't change the fact kids are dyin', and for what?

Spare me the flag wavin' of the mass produced USA flags made in China whilst China now owns much of what used to be known as America.
The war spending is bankrupting our country and reducing the number of discretionary dollars that can go to audio purchases. Have you been effected yet?

And the argument about helping the disadvantaged of the world would be more credible if we weren't quite so strategic about who we choose to help with our invasions. And if we cared more about helping our own, especially the veterans.
Well its only been my observation but, how does one separate the vet from the politics when the politician uses the vet to serve their own selfish aim every chance they get? Might we as a country begin to question our governments decision to wage continuous war? It seems to me that SOUNDS like a great beginning to eliminate DISTORTION, use of audio terms intended.

And if that questioning would/could establish a better form of democracy than we've experienced the 55 or so years of my lifetime then I for one would be proud if that questioning began on an AG forum. I feel just as passionate as some flag waving, self proclaimed patriot broadcaster whose never served anything but himself, yet stands on the steps of a memorial mocking those who've actually served by urging them to send their children off to serve whilst he rakes in millions. Get a clue America. That's got to be worth as much as making some Stereophile A component list.
Leaving out the Politics of War, sure. Leaving out the Politics of Slavery? How can you do that to something that is just wrong on so many levels, and transends Politics on all levels? Slavery still continues even till this day, unfortunately because of that, War is not far behind. The only way to prevent the horrors of War is to eliminate Slavery. Just wasn't done soon enough prior to the Civil War, and damn if this Country didn't pay for that. Have we learned anything from that History? O-kay, I will keep it on Stereo's from now on-Sorry!
Coltrane and MJ -- Can we just leave the politics of war out of this thread? Before you flame me, the thread is about audiophiles who also happen to be vets. Can we just let it go at that?

Well, I suppose that the issue of War was eventually going to come up on this Thread. The reason I believe that we have been at war so long, is because we have a tendency to go and fight for those who can't fight or defend themselves. Jews in Nazi Concentration Camps, Koreans- Chinese-Philipinos enslaved by the Empire of Japan. We do this even to a fault (Vietnam). I don't think that there shouldn't be any misunderstanding, there are always going to be those who interpret our reluctance to fight as weakness. They will use this as a tool or excuse to torture, enslave, conquer, commit genocide against those too weak to defend themselves. Lest we forget the lessons of one of the most important Wars in U.S. History, the American Civil War. As horrible as War is, it was decided that accepting slavery for peace is way too high of a price to pay. How many gave their lives for that principle. I think that they believed the monetary cost was the least of it.
Hear, Hear, Coltrane1.

I'm glad you brought that point to our attention. Our military budget is probably 4 times as large as it has to be to keep us safe. It's really just a way to justify channeling tax dollars into the hands of favored corporations year after year.

If 75% of our defense budget went against our national debt we would get out of trouble very quickly. Very little of the funding goes to feet on the ground. Most goes toward building unnecessary aircraft that will be parked in the desert, never having been used. There are hundreds, maybe thousands, of them out there already. Still we buy more. But we don't take very good care of our veterans. We just use them for parades and photo ops.
I served 4 years right out of high school like many of my generation. It was either enlist in a branch of my choosing or be drafted. I didn't agree with the war, again like many of my generation. I still don't agree with the war. No disrespect to vets, but the bigger question is why has America been at war for almost my entire life, coming up on some 55 years now? If one includes Korea and WWII that's almost 70 years of continuous war.

I lean towards the conservative side of things, having spent my entire vocational life in public service. However, one would be hard pressed to look back over ones life and not see a pattern at work. Eisenhower warned this day could come. I hate to say it, but the big war machine of the MIC has led this country into one needless war after another and for what? One has only but to follow the money trail to find the answer to that. America could use a course correction rather than sending more youth to die or become injured for life in vain. As anyone could see during the last administration the troops were used but when push came to shove they weren't supported abroad, or by the administration once they arrived home battered and injured. Support the troops by bringing them home. That's my .02
Welcome to the Audiogon Audio Club, Rok2id. Your experiences in real and exciting advancements in Audio will be greatly appreciated here. Feel free to submit your Input anytime. I am not being sarcastic at all, I am being sincere as a Vet can be. The more that I learn about this Hobby, the more I discover how much more I have yet to learn. The Man who made my PS-1000 Headphones, Joe Grado, was a Sonar Man in the U.S. Navy. It is a small World where Veterans are concerned, welcome to the club. So what kind of Stereos are they using in Germany? Are you still in contact with any of your old freinds from Germany?
Still can't get over just how lucky we really are in this Country, Finsup. Even with a Recession, Unemployment, Housing Market the way it is. Most of the people in this World get by with 1/10th of the Living Standard that we Americans have. We are truly Blessed in this Country.
I know what you mean, Pettyofficer. Looks like you got around pretty good.

While I did not get to the Pacific, my tour in West Germany allowed me to explore Europe and the Med.

Those stationed at Wueschheim AS were a pretty close-knit group of men and women. I don't know that I have ever experienced a better sense of community and camaraderie than the three years I spent there.
Finsup. My Stepfather was a TechSargent in the U.S.A.F. He worked on ICBM's at McConnell A.F.B. in Wichita, Kansas. He was also stationed at Ellsworth A.F.B. in Rapid City, South Dakota. I enlisted in the U.S. Navy in 1982, Retired in 2002. Spent most of my Naval Career in the Pacific. Stationed at Pearl for a while. Visited the Phillipines, Hong Kong, South Africa, South Korea, Japan, Thailand, Australia, Singapore, while on deployment. Loved getting a chance to visit other Countries, miss that about the Service.
Ground Launched Cruise Missile (GLCM) Combat Crew Commander, Wueschheim AS, Germany 1987 - 1990.

ICBM Combat Crew Commander, Grand Forks AFB ND 1990-1992.
I too want to thank every man and woman who is serving, or has served our country. I wish our country took better care of you and yours that have sacrificed for all of us.
Thank you, everyone of you for your service, this country owes you a debt of gratitude, and then some...
Dear Nrchy,
I am a 20-year Retired Navy Man myself. Spent most of my time deployed in the Pacific or West Coast. Used to shop in Worlds largest shopping Mall in Hong Kong, before it became part of China. Remember my ship visiting a U.S. Navy Base in the Phillipines, when there was still a Navy Base there. Remember being stationed on a Ship off of the coast of Somalia during, "Black Hawk Down". I was there in the Persian Gulf during the first Gulf War. I just wanted to thank everyone for the opportunity to serve this great Nation of ours. Every other place that I have been, is a very nice place to visit, but only makes me appreciate our own great Country even more!
USAF 1987-2008. I bought a pair of Linn speakers during flight school in 1989 but ever had the front end to do them justice. Lately I'm putting together an all Linn system with Ninkas, a Trikan and the old Helixes.

I flew airplanes most of the time in the service. Started out on nuclear alert in SAC (in the B-1). Ended up deploying to the middle east flying over Afghanistan (in the B-1). Things sure have changed a lot in the last 20 years!
served in the U.S.Army 1974 thru 1986 as a Telecommunictions Operator, and then did the same thing as a civilian for the Navy for 4 more years GO FIGURE.
I bought alot of stereo gear while in the service.
The biggest baddest speakers I had were these monsterous JBL 4343 Monitors I bought special order in Germany in 1979.
Even back then they cost me almost 2K, Which was almost what I paid for my new car a FIAT 128.
Oh those were the days. I wish I would have kept the speakers. Just the drivers alone would sell for 2k today.
I was in the Air Force, on Okinawa, in 1968 when I bought my first system. Garrard SL95 turntable, Shure cartridge, Coral speakers and a Lux tubed integrated amp.
He's wolfish. A spitz breed like Huskies, Malamutes, Samoyeds. More feral certainly than your basic boxer or spaniel. And much more dangerous, but no wolf. I'm sure they'd take him down in a short minute.

On the original topic, now that I realize what it is, I earned a 1-Y classification for having a blind eye. I still have it.
Bummer. I completely misinterpreted the heading. I was going to ask advice concerning my Akita.