All Quiet on the Oppo front?

Many Oppo fans were talking about getting their pre-ordered UDP-205's a month ago, but no new posts as to current status. I haven't heard a word. I kinda thought there would be a July release, but apparently not.

Anybody receive any news from Oppo in the past month? 
I agree Bultaco. (Motorcycle reference?).  It’s hard to believe they wouldn’t have made a run/runs to fill all orders. I’m sure many, myself included, would pay in advance.. I registered and confirmed months ago and thought this was a sure thing. However I haven’t heard anything lately and have read posts indicating production is over. ?? 
Yes, interesting. Oppo is using the inititial interest E-mail as the point of establishing the order of a buy offer, not the "verification of E-mail" for a future offer.

I verified my E-mail address on May 9, which seems to have been a date used for mass requests sent by them. 

With Aprox. 5,000 buyers requesting one, I would think Oppo would reconsider manufacturing these things or sell the rights to Cambridge Audio or someone interested in doing so. That's a large market for any high-end manufacturer for any product!
@mcgal thanks for your follow-up. That’s the same email I got back then. 

Below is the email I received on 5/9/18. I had entered my email address on the Oppo website about a month or 2 before saying I was interested in purchasing a 205.

Thank you for your interest in the OPPO UDP-205. As we get closer to availability, we need to verify the e-mail addresses that have been registered. Please click on the link below to validate your e-mail address. We will contact only validated e-mail addresses. If you no longer wish to be on the UDP-205 Interest List, do not click on the link and ignore this e-mail.
Validate your e-mail address
Note: Do not reply to this e-mail.
Best Regards,
Customer Service
OPPO Digital, IncEnter your text ...

On 8/29/18 I received an email from Oppo with a special link to purchase the 205 which I paid for immediately. I received the 205 9/6/18.

Ok. So there appears some confusion here. Everyone gets an auto-reply from Oppo email requesting that they verify their email address. Thereafter, months later, some folks get a second email confirming their interest in getting a player? Is that second Oppo email the same as requesting payment, or did Oppo send yet a third email requesting payment?
Yes, I signed up for the waiting list at least a month or two before I received the verifying email that I still wished to make the purchase. The two dates were different.
@mcgal did you signup for the waiting list AND verify your email address on the same date? I understand that Oppo is prioritizing based on the initial date of contact, not the date when the email address is verified. The two dates can differ. 
I was on the list for the last batch of 205's and I received it yesterday. The audio and video is much better to me than my 105D (which I will still be using connected to my 205 for streaming and cable).

Both yours and my own experience here appears to be at odds with a claimed June 24th confirmation and now offer of a unit.

Its not the end of my world but I wonder how many others that have become out of apparent sync.
☝🏻☝🏻 Still could be an auto-reply. But I strongly doubt it. The gist of the message is the same as @uberwaltz reported. 
@uberwaltz, you are correct. I registered and verified my email address on the same date (5/9). Here is their email reply from my query of last night:

”You registered your interest for the player in May, so based on your current queue it does not seem likely that you will be offered a player for purchase due to how many customers are ahead of you and how many units we actually have manufactured, but you can continue to wait patiently and wait for an E-mail to come to us possible at the end of the month.”
I do not think so.
Unless the email reply from OPPO was just auto which I doubt, it does not say I missed an invitation, rather that there are a lot of names ahead .
Just that seems at odds with your statement of June 24th confirmation.

Maybe it was auto, maybe they are wrong.
Not going to worry over it.

Good luck to those who do receive one!
Post removed 
Is there a chance they sent you an invitation and it went to Spam? First thing I did when I applied for the UDP-203 interest list back in May was add Oppo’s email address to my address book. Doing this mitigates the email invitation to purchase from going to spam. 

Reading the posts here I honestly didn't think I was going to get an invitation. To my surprise I'm on vacation and I received an invitation.
June 24th???
And you have one on the way???
I was in early May and heard nothing.
How can that be right?
If they are going by date request received as their reply intimidated.

Oh well.....
@uberwaltz, the Oppo reply might be a form letter. But if they already know their final product release count, the return rate of accepted invitations, and the outstanding wait list count, then they should be sending out emails to the late subscribers who would not likely get one. 
I joined and confirmed the udp-205 list June 24 and got the invitation to buy 2 days ago. It's on its way for a 9/11 delivery. So there is hope...
Email OPPO and had a reply within 30 minutes, although not really what I wanted to read but at least it was honest, see below.


We've received one shipment a little over a week ago and we're expecting our last shipment to arrive in the coming week. I've looked up your email address and there's over five thousand people ahead in the queue.  If that information is accurate, the player is not likely going to be available to you as there are so many ahead and we are not able to manufacture enough units for everyone in the queue.

Best Regards,

Customer Service
OPPO Digital, Inc.
162 Constitution Dr. Menlo Park, CA 94025
[email protected] "
Now I have no idea how many units per shipment but not in the order of thousands so there are definitely going to be a few disapointed people out there

Recommendation: To receive the invitation email from Oppo to purchase a unit and mitigate the risk of the invitation going to Spam please add the following email to your contacts/address book of your email provider, example Yahoo, Hotmail etc...

[email protected]
Yup, it sure does.  I don’t mind waiting until the end of this month.  If nothing by then, I will buy the top of the line Sony.  I have a 12 year old Sony player I paid $500 for from Best Buy.  It takes forever to load a Blu Ray disk, been like it from day one.  I have done all the firmware updates but it is really outdated.   I thought the Oppo would be a good follow up. 
Doesn't this all remind you a little of the T-Ref's a year ago?

I wrote SG a letter and got a pair. 

i spoke with with them via email. I received a response within 3 hours. 
Interesting...I tried to call them yesterday and the message I got was the phone was inoperable. 

"Coming soon"....Hmmmm. Well, they're website does say a shipment is coming in mid-September, so maybe we're on that list.

You know if people are confirming at the end of May, they likely didn't even put a request in until after May 9, I would think. I originally signed up towards the end of April.

I corresponded with Oppo today.  I explained to them that some people that confirmed their email after 5/9 already received theirs.  They told me that Oppo used the date that people first signed up, not the date they confirmed email.  I was also told to watch my email as one will be coming soon for me.  So, who knows maybe I will get one.
I confirmed my E-mail address the same as stereo5; May 9.
Oppo does not seem to be using the first come, first served method. Their website indicates E-mails being sent out to requester's in "batches".
@lancelock Yeah, I know. I had a hard time locating it myself. Had to search “Oppo” as a subject term in my Hotmail account to find it. 
@celander, I looked but I can’t seem to find the email indicating the date that I put my name on the waiting list. It’s been many months. Sorry, I know that’s no help.
@lancelock Would you please share when you confirmed your address to Oppo and when Oppo sent to email to you requesting payment?

i have been waiting as long and heard nothing.  I confirmed my email address with them May9 and have heard nothing since.  
not sure what criteria they are using to chose who to offer to?
it almost seems some later applicants have been receiving offers of units.
of course always the possibility that the offer to my daughter went into spam and she just junked it without reading or seeing it.

Standard shipping for me, no signature required but I believe I had a choice.
Thanks for these updates. It's the only way to know what Oppo is up to.
Did they require a signature to deliver? 
My new 205 just shipped on Friday. I was surprised to get an email from them asking if l was still interested.

Maybe not...Oppo say's on their website there will be a mid-September shipment coming in.


Would you E-mail me? I see from the GE site you have the same Esoteric I'm now considering. 
My daughter has been on the list since April and no word from OPPO to her either yet.
Maybe they are all done?

If I told you what I wanted it for, I know what you would say "Go Esoteric"...You see, I am planning on using it as my only source for CD/SACD playback ( no vinyl) in a pretty expensive system (over 60k) . I just don't know how to hook up my hard drive to anything else, to see on my TV, was is playing. I have 11,000 albums on it...

It sure does.  I signed up the second week that you could do it and I am still waiting while others who ordered way after I did already got theirs.  If I do get a message from them, I may not bother answering them I am so angery.  I may just buy a Sony 

Kinda ticks you off to hear that one guy didn't E-mail request one until the end of May and gets one yesterday, huh?
Thanks for your responses. Guess I missed the cut again. There is supposedly a mid-September shipment coming. Maybe I'll get an invite then.
FYI, I received an email from Oppo on 8/30. It said one Oppo 205 unit was available tfor me to purchase and that the window to purchase closes 9/2 but no guarantees that they wouldnt run out of units before the end of 9/2. I did purchase one unit on 8/31 and received confirmation. I believe that I got on the list in late April.

I received my e-mail from OPPO on 8/27. Not planning to purchase but I thought I would get in the system. I believe the purchase window closed on 8/30.

There was supposed to be an end of August shipment .
So,now it's September. has anyone received an E-mail to buy from Oppo this past week?
I didn't. Stereo5, hear anything?
I wonder whether everyone on the current list will get the opportunity to buy one.