Attractive room treatment is it possible?

I have in the past while searching on the web wondering why there is not a more attractive room treatment out there? I have in the past like many experimented with different treatments such as RPG,Sonex,Roomtunes and yes the diy treatments. I have also read audiophiles placing huge roles of toiletpaper in the corners for tube traps.I for one have always been somewhat embarresed with inviting people to listen because of the "NUT" factor with room treatments. I was once made fun of by a ex when she told her friends I was living in a padded cell "Sonex on the walls" Even using corner traps way up high made some eyes role around. I am now at the point that I have not treated a room in years and the major reason is the riducule factor. This is a major reason for avoiding this important part of sound production. I am wondering how many of you feel the same and have you tried to mask the treament by trying in someway to make it more attactive looking, if this is possible? Thank you all for reading this and I hope I hear and receive some good feedback. I just wish a Van Gogh or a Picasso would take up the hobbie of room treatment.
If you enjoy it.Why do ya care what other people think?They are making fun of something they know nothing about.Have them sit down and take a listen.And they should stop ridiculing your hobbie.ENJOY,KP
Dear Listener57, I think you got it mostly right but you might consider some "stealth" wording changes to truly reflect reality and some semblance of respecting the immutable laws of physics:

1) "Even though it makes no conventional sense, check out the Brilliant Pebbles for room corners"

Just change "no conventional sense" to "no sense whatsoever" and you're spot-on. And, just to demonstrate my giving nature, I'm gonna give you a free tweak just for being an Audiogon member. You can easily match the efficacy of the Brilliant Pebbles by simply tying a reef knot in the pull cord of your favorite reading lamp. No kidding, it's true!

2) the Clever Little Clocks for in-home placement (even though neither of mine actually tells the correct time)

I think that's a misspelling, it's actually "Clever Little Crock Pots". Put your ingredients in before you leave for work, let it simmer all day, and you'll have a tasty and nutritious meal when you get home that evening. The fact that a $199 digital crock pot cannot even provide the correct time clearly indicates that it is defective. I'd ask Geoff for a replacement. He's a good guy, he'll gladly replace your defective Crock Pot if you ask him nicely.

The fact that it does nothing to improve the sound of your system is not the issue here. At that price, the least it could do is provide the correct time of day.

3) Tru-Tone duplex covers. The exact same covers can be purchased from Home Depot for about $5 each, no need to spend $30 for these. I suggest you take the $25 you just saved and give it to a worthy charity. Please contact me offlist and I'll provide you with my PayPal account info. I assure you that I'm worthy of your charity!

4)"the single greatest tweak for the money: Teleportation."

While this one is at least "reasonably" priced in comparison to the Brilliant Pebbles, there is no need for you to spend even $60 for Teleportation. Simply send $25 to my PayPal account and I'll call you up, beat on a pie pan with a dinner fork for 30 seconds, and then finish up with a hearty "Thanks a lot and Happy Hanukkah (or Merry Christmas, your choice)!" before I ring off.

This is a *true* value my friend, and the perfect gift for your non-discerning audiophile friends. In the interest of full disclosure, the only teleportation taking place is that of your money being teleported into my PayPal account. But at least I'm giving you a huge discount over the usual MSRP!!

Best Wishes to you and yours in this holiday season!

Thank you for this wonderful response. I believe you have said all that I wanted to say about the use of pebbles as a room tuning devise. But I was afraid that the Audiogon censors would rip me a new you know what.
Yes, as noted above, a room built from the start with built-in treatment can look quite nice. A friend has a Rives-designed room that looks beautiful. Bass traps are built into the corners of the room and are covered in fabric so nothing is visible. A large curved wooden diffusor is at the front of the room, but it looks like an architectural design element, same with the sidewall diffusors. The ceiling diffusors also look good and integrated with the "look" of the room. This, however, was a VERY expensive approach.

I have also seen rooms which were "treated" with minimal structural work that did not look like there was any treatment at all. If you go to the Boulevard Audio website and click on the pictures for a media room in Arlington, Va., you will see this room. The wall is covered with fabric covered panels from Kinetic Noise Control, some panels being diffusors, others designed to absorb mid and high frequencies. Kinetics makes triangular shaped bass traps for the corners that also look like a design element for the room. I have my doubts about such shallow traps being able to do really deep bass trapping, but then again, the room does sound nice.

Even cheaper, I heard a room with only tapestries hanging on the walls that sounded pretty good. It just took some good ears to determine where to place the tapestries and to determine what is just the right amount of treatment.

I know it is dogma around here that room treatment is the foremost consideration in getting good sound. I too think it is important, but, I also think one can get great sound in almost any room with relatively modest acoustical treatment, provided that one has the luxury of locating the listening area and the speakers in optimal locations. Unfortunately, that often means speakers well away from the wall behind the speakers and walls to the side. Also, if one sits in the nearfield, generally within 10'in a typical room, the direct sound from the speaker predominates, and in this manner, reduces the contribution of the room to the sound. Some speakers sound horrible with nearfield listening, some are good, so one must plan speaker selection and room placement together to get good results.

My own room has modest treatment. I have wall-to-wall carpeting, but I have placed an additional "Audiocarpet" (very dense acoustical carpet from Italy) area rug between the speakers and my listening chair. An Audiocarpet diffusor sits near the back wall between the speakers. The front of the speakers are more than 6 ft from the wall behind the speakers. I sit about nine feet away, with the back wall about 5 ft. behind. But, the precise location of speakers and the listening chair was determined by trial and error, and the optimal locations are extremely tightly defined. That is why I say speaker and listener placement is THE MOST important consideration.