12 Extremely Disappointing Facts About Popular Mus

Rather interesting info here. Says a lot about popular culture.

Ag insider logo xs@2xmuzikat
Why is it better? It clears the mind and washes the spirit in beauty,enobling the human spirit to embrace truth, compassion and love,in the religious meaning of that,in a
manner and to a degree nothing else can.
Gods greatest gift to man,music is the thing itself,not just representational as are the other arts.

As to "what floats your boat" ,that nautical journey can often be a one-way passage to the netherworld.
The good really is the enemy of the best,we all need the very best whether thats what we desire or not.
thanks for confirming what i already thought. the music business is going to hell in a hand basket.

modern pop sucks.
Mozart died at 35 or 36 not in his twenties, not that it really matters.
The fact for real is not at all in all the beauty of classical music, but in the appreciation factor.

Nowdays only small group of educated people would enjoy listening to music vs. pop fake whilist past times not to long ago it had substantially larger magnitude.

Becides classical there was jazz, sophisticated rock bands, neo-classical performers and composers, brittish envasion, progressive rock, 60's,70's,80's, some 90's and than sudden lapse... Northern Europe is still having substantially larger group of music appreciation than the rest of the world.
Will we ever have another rock band that would book venues larger than bar stage or even the bar stage will be too large for the skillfull rock band? That would be realy sad.