Who's your guitar daddy now?

Check out this video:

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davey knowles(the kid in back door slam) is going on tour with jeff beck....beck will not embarrass him...yep, he's that good.
Here's some sheer guitar fun from Japan:

Unoear - Andres Segovia was the great teacher and advocate for guitar music but as a performer lacked technique a little. It is not only Segovia but many musicians and instruments. Technical perfection today is beyond believe. Conlon Nancarrow wrote music for pianola that was impossible to play by pianist - not only because of speed but also strange (breaking fingers) changes. I heard that today some pianist can do it. David Russell plays extremely difficult pieces and I cannot hear single squeak. When I listened to old Segovia recordings I can hear squeaks and dull notes often (same for other guitarists' older recordings). It doesn't change the fact that Segovia played beautifully.