moody soundtracks

looking for suggestions of movie soundtracks that have a consistent mood or tone for most of the recording...
What about the soundtracks to Traffic and Solaris? Those are both pretty good too. Also a great great on that is kind of hard to come by is the one for the Brothers Quay movie Institute Benjamenta.
Agree with Ejlif and Synthfreek. Passion is the one CD that I would want if shipwrecked on a desert island...... Fantastic but for some it take a few times thru to really like it. I had to listen to it several times to really start to enjoy it, but now its my all time fav.
Check out The Mission by Ennio Morricone . . . very beautiful and well recorded.
The Red Violin has long been a favorite of mine and recently been released in an expanded version that I have not heard. Another is Yol with a Middle Eastern sensibility. Paris Texas is a good one with some vocals that are moody but may not be consistent to your thinking. Oh, The Fountain may be what you're looking for, check it out.