XLR cables that sound bold, natural, real..silver?

Hi, I'm looking for XLR cable recommendations to connect my NAD M51 DAC to my power amp.

Currently using Neotech NEI-3001s and they're good but perhaps tilting things too much to the warm side on top of the NAD.

Looking for more transparency and naturalness; that windex effect, if you know what I mean, but still with good bass.

Was thinking about silver based conductors and connectors other than copper/gold, at "sane" prices. I've tried Canare and Mogami already. The Neotech is better than them but still not the last word in "you are there". Any help?
I really like AZ Silver Ref II as well! As Kijanki mentioned, the AZ sounds very natural to me with some weight to the vocals. Its not as black as other cables I tried but the AZ seems to do a very good job with vocals.
You should audition any cable in your own system to hear what it can do. I am using Anti-Cable silver XLR \Xhadow connections with great satisfaction.
If the Darwin Silver XLRs are anything like their RCAs, then give them some consideration.

I have two pair of their RCAs (had to get the other one once I heard the first) and they bring an ability to unravel the music like nothing I've heard.

There's a testimonial from an A'gon user on their site where he prefers them over his Nordost and Quattros (which go for 2-3 times the price of the Darwins XLRs)

All the best,
Loftarasa, I just today received a Symmetry Silver balanced cable from VH Audio. Its much too early to draw firm conclusions, but my first reaction was that the Symmetry is a very natural sounding IC. Sweetened strings, without the dryness or thinness that one sometimes has with silver. Chris at VH audio sells the Neotech stuff, so he is quite familiar with what you are currently using I expect. Might be worth shooting him an email and see what he says. He has a very generous trial period, and as Stringreen points out, you really want to be able to audition a cable in your own system.
Thanks for the responses. I've got the Audio Sensibility Statement Silver and Grover Huffman ICs on order. Will report back how they compare.