Best speaker for the Spectral DMA 360 series 2 amp

I'm considering the Magnepan 20.7 or 20.1, Aerial 20T, or Wilson Watt 7.. My music is mainly jazz, classical and blues with a variety of others but not much of a rock n roller..
My listening space has a 18-20ft ceiling height and is about 19x30 with 4 large windows. Some room treatment as well.. The room is an open floor plan and opens into the rest of the house. The room size has a Tendency to swallow up the bass leaving the sound some what lean. At least that was the case with the avalons I had. Other electronics had the same problems. Of the above speakers which give me the best bang for the buck. You opinions as alway are greatly appreciated
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Why do you just want Watts and no Puppys, in view of your thoughts about missing bass? I think the Maggies will need sufficiently powerful amps to do the trick and sound quite a bit differently than most box speakers. That said I have been blown away at times by the Wilson speakers. What have you heard yourself?
I meant the puppy's as well m.y mistake. I haven't heard them since I don't have a dealer close by. I had a spectral dealer tell me the Maggie was the best bang for buck but he doesn't sell Wilson. He also states the 360s are plenty of power.. I wonder if anyone has personnel experience with that combo. If I went with the watt puppy's it would have to be an older pair..
One of the best sounds I've heard is spectral and watt puppy 7 it was at a trade show but wow what a clean sound. If you like a clean tight sound this is it. I have the same issues with bass in my room and had all kinds of big speakers in there and never really filled out the bottom. I've also had Maggie 3.6 and its quite a different sound much more wooly amd not as defined or sharp.