Rowland 625

Has anyone got their hands on the new Jeff Rowland 625. I know they've been displayed on shows like Rocky Mountain but I'm keen to have feedbsck how this new amps compare with previous models. I've seen the new website and they've been been advertising on magazine, looks solidly built like all Rowland amps!
I've got Rowland 501's with a pair of PC1 together with the Synergy IIi. My dealer has not got a confirmed date for delivery.
M312 conversely still yields an overall larger image, which is quite understandable, given M312's higher power rating.

but in the 3D depth the 625 was clearly outperforming the 312 ...
at least in the configuration I have heard them
Claude, you are absolutely correct.... For example, using my standard test track of the Old Castle piece by Dvorak played by Inna Poroscina, M312 induces a piano image wider/taller than M625 ... However, M625's staging/imaging is more coherent .... staging is deeper, and the piano has more 'solidity' than on M312, for lack of a better word.

I see Electrocompaniet is discussed. They are good amps, and very good value, especially here in Norway where I live. Just a short comment on Electrocompaniet vs Rowland: A Norwegian Hifi magazine called Fidelity, now has expanded to Scandinavia, tested the Rowland 301 monos some years ago and preferred them over Electrocompaniet Nemo monos.

Personally I think my 301s are more resolved than EC and expecially after I got Odin power cables on them they really shine (Odin was a HUGE upgrade!). Electrocompaniet is warmer, but less neutral, has slam, but still less authority, and also less microdetail. Electrocompaniet has great midrange though, but are not so extended and resolved in bottom and top frequencies.

Well... welll.

After 5 days my Electrocompaniet AW250R had a internal problem. As I don't want to fix it for my use, I'm going to sell the amplifier together with the 4.8 preamplifier.

So I'm going, slowly, to pay attention to the M625 as I have the Criterion.

But after I heard the sound of the GamuT and AW250R I'm afraid that JRDG hasn't the "feeling" and the "finesse" to make a "sweet for the ears" amplifier.

I mean something warm, because I find out that you can spent more hours listen to the music without become tired with a little bit warm sound.

Sorry my English, but I think the opposite word for warm in audio is Analitc. IMO the Model 312 has a analitc sound and a prefer a litle bit ( not too much ) warm sound. I don't want the M625 with a analitic sound.

Anyway, If anyone knows could tell me, please, the 625's Maximum Power Consumption at 4 ohms? Because I didn't find it in its specifications.

Cappuccino, you post while I was writing my prior post.

When I choose to buy the AW250R was because I did a research in Internet. For what I find out, "the AW250R is more musical", the words people use to talk about this device, than the others EC models.

And it's true, because when I went to the EC dealer, I didn't like the AW180 and the AW400 as I have like the AW250R.

IMO the AW250 is more musical as they say in Google. Wonderfull device.

But the mine has broken after only 5 days.

About the Model 312, maybe the difference for the AW250R is because the Model 312 is Class D, and it's true when people say worse things about Class D amplifiers.

I hope the M625, a Class A or Class AB, I don't remember, has the "warm stuff I'm searching for a amplifier"
