Best Phono amp under $2000.

I'm looking at the Ray Samuels F-117, the Ray Samuels XR 2. Also looking at the Sutherland 20/20 and the PHD3. I want a solid state phono amp,I already have a tube phono amp. My first choices are Sutherlands and the Samuels.. Has anyone ever compared these phono amps. Whats the difference in their sonic signature? I have a Nottingham with 2 tone arms. The carts I'm using are the Dynavector DV20 high output and a Grado Reference Master 1.I want to try low output MC's eventually.What other amps at $1000 to $2000 are recommended?
Vortex and Dazzlingmd, isn't the Allnic H1201 a tube phono stage? Zeal clearly stated in his original post that he was looking for a solid state phono preamp. I have not heard the Allnic, and I'm sure it is very good, but I did not recommend the Herron VTPH-1, which is also very good, because it also is a tube phono stage.
Musical Surroundings NOVA phono pre. It charges while not in use then when you turn it on it switches to battery mode. Super quiet and all the settings you could ever need,awesome sound!
Pass Labs XOno used around $2000!

All the adjustments you would ever need for MM or MC cartridges.

Quiet, very detailed, and slightly warm IMO. High gain.

Super reliable.
Sorry, I missed the detail in the post about ss amps. Yes, the Allnic and Herron are both tubes. The JLTI is SS and I liked it a lot, but there's not a universal view on those. I found it great with the rock, jazz and acoustic music I listen to, and it can be had for around $800 used (it's $1600 new).

Before I got the Allnic tube phono stage, I was also considering the JC-3 and Pass Labs, but I never actually heard either. Lots of good reviews, though.