Which cables and ic's would you choose?

I am putting together the following system: Avalon Eidolon Speakers, Edge Amp and Pre, and Accuphase 75V cdp. Which speaker cables and ic's would you recommend? Cyrus
I have tried some of the cables mentioned with mixed results. My current brand is Pure Note. Love the interconnects and am expecting the speaker cables tomorrow. http://www.purenote.com. My system is below for your reference.

-Martin Logan ReQuests.
-Krell FPB 600.
-Krell KRC/Reference Phono.
-Sony SCD-1.
-Old VPI table, SME3009 arm, and various cartridges.
-All interconnects, Pure Note Epsilon Reference.
-Current speaker cables are Silversmith, soon to be Pure Note Epsilon Reference (perhaps).
cyrus: my eidolons sound best with tara, "the one" for cables and ic's. "the zero" is even better but much more dear. -cfb
cyrus, It seems to me that if you want an (informative) answer, you should first, provide more info regarding your progression to the system you are now proposing...your likes/dislikes.... why you chose certain cables over others in a previous system???.

I'm baffled by the last response!