Sell King Cobra s and buy F I M Gold ?

After reading "all" past debates of which is best, I have accquired a FIM gold power cord through a mutual trade with a audiophile and found that FIM's gold power cable is a stunning upgrade and runs to the top of the heap in power cords. I thought the King Cobra was it.As a matter of fact, I own 5 of them.For what they once accomplished the FIM has surpassed my expectations.For those who agree (without the flames) speak up.should I sell the balance of my King Cobra's and purchase the FIM golds? Any help would be gladly appreciated.Thanks.
Just a little follow-up-thought. No opinions on these threads bear any importance, unless you create the opportunity to hear, not only cables, but any component in your system. My cables may synergize beautifully in my room with my components, but offer unwanted anomilies into others. These determinations do not classify the auditioned components as good, bad or unworthy. I have often heard very costly components sound amusical when improperly matched, and conversely experienced lower high end systems (systems being the key word) reproduce a much closer rendition to the real thing.
Thanks,guys/gals for all the interesting insights.Ejlif let me know when your friend compares the Acoustic Zens to the FIM power cords.Jcbtubes,I do plan to keep maybe two of the King Cobras to power my Soundlabs and change the other cords.The FIM cord is currently on my CD processor which is where it has had the greatest effect.Hey,The3dman,you are the first to mention Ensemble power cords.Do you sell those?Agreed the stiffness of the FIM golds can be the determining factor for some .They are extremely hard to work with and planning the position of your components is a must.For me,FIM has the all characteristics that I seek for my system.Thanks,to all that responded.
I find it interesting that over and over I hear from different people that the Shunyata cords sound "dark" or "warm" or "rolled off". There is a definite pattern to the reviews of these cords.
i appreciate the time the above posters have taken to share their opinions on this thread. but, it would help to give us a point of reference for your opinions by listing at least a few main components in your system. ie: speakers, amps, source. just my 2 cents. thanks.
Okay Avnut
Since I begin this thread I "will" begin and it could be possible that you may not believe me but here goes;

Preamp: Audio Research SP-6a
Amp: Audio Research D-150
Processor:Audio Research Dac 3mkII
Transport:Audio Research CDT-1
Speakers :Soundlab Ultimate II's with torid option
Speaker cable:Magnan Signature
Interconnect: Magnan Signature
2 Richard Gray power companies

That's the gist of it and it's glorious.Serves me very well!