Kubala Sosna Cables - Reality Check

I am auditioning some of the Kubala Sosna Expression interconnects and speaker cables. My initial impressions are that these wires are a bit to the 'warm' side of neutral. (Not complaining or criticizing the cables - just making an observation). Have you gotten similar impressions in your rig with these cables?
Are they broken in, enough hours to know they are performing at top of their capability?

I ask because many (most?) cable has a settling in period and tonal balance can swing from bloated to bright as they make their way to neutral.

I know Joe Kubala very well, a SUPER great guy. Call him if you have doubts.
I have the Kubala Fascination - xlrs and speaker cables to connect my Simaudio Supernova to Simaudio I7 to Sonus Faber Cremona M s. I find them to be fairly neutral and very quiet. Great cables.
Yes, these are 'demo' cables, not new. I only say that they are sounding 'warm' in the context of my rig and compared to the JPS and Fusion Audio. More listening is definitely needed before I can say for certain. They sound good for sure...