Cartridge Setup w/Geodisc by MoFi

Upgrading to a Benz Glider, which I consider to be a significant dollar investment; so, I want setup to be spot on. I only have a Geodisc by Mobile Fidelity. Will it give me a proper setup or do I need the services of a professional?

Thanks in advance.
If it were me, and the current cartridge was well taken care of and in great shape, I'd opt for the better protractor. However, you need to be sure you're up to performing the task correctly.

I have used a Geodisc before when I had my SOTA Star Sapphire, Kuzma Stogi arm, and Benz Glider. The Geodisc was easy to use, but the Wally Tractor I subsequently purchased did a much better job of allowing me to set up things properly.
Rockyboy- the Mint Tractor is only $100. Maybe try one of the reworked Denon 103s with the Mint and you could stay w/in the cost of a Glider.
The problem I find with the Geodisc is getting it aimed directly at the centre of the vertical pivot. Tough if you can't actually see the pivot itself.
PM me and I'll e-mail you an arc protractor for a tonearm with a 239 mm effective length. Verify that your Pivot-to-Spindle distance can be adjusted to 221.68 mm (if it's not already at that distance). Print it out on an overhead transparancy, buy a 5" craft mirror, and you'll have the tools you need until you want to purchase a MintLP protractor.
A friend has a Geodisc and I have a Feickert. When setting up an arm where the pivot point can be easily sited, they come quite close to agreement on proper alignment (we used both on a Schroeder Reference). I much prefer the Feickert for ease of use, but the Geodisc is not too bad.