Sony XA-5400es VS Oppo 83SE

I recently got an Oppo 83SE and played my first ever SACD today and I'am a convert.

Now I'am wondering if the Sony might be more musical than the Oppo,which I feel is quite a good Cd/SACD player.Right now looks like the last chance to get a new Sony before they diapear.But at twice the price of the Oppo does anyone feel this is an upgrade in musicallity? Anyone compared the two? Thanks in advance Gary
I haven't heard the 5400 but owning a 707es I know how good Sony can be.
A friend of mine and I compared my Oppo 83se to his PWD and we could hear no difference at all between the two on his system. His system is quite good and consists of Revel Salon 2's, Lamm 1.1's and the Pass labs X0.2.
i have the ps audio pwt and pwd. i also own the 83se.

i prefer the ps audio gear.

as far as sacd the oppo is fair. i heard a $400 onkyo which i heard. i may consider the sony 54000 if i can buy it cheap.

in addition, with the ps products you can play hi-rez. you cannnot with the oppo./
Levy03 I would be interested to hear back after your shoot out.

Zmanastronomy I think I will keep the 83SE and add a sony.I see American Theater is selling several now but I need to check and see if they are an Authorized Dealer otherwise no warranty.
Ordered a Sony today so I will get to do my own A/B.Not sure how long it will take to get here as I do not have a tracking# yet.

Thanks for all the input.
Good for you Mystang.
Be sure to let the Sony burn in before any critical comparisons.