Easy Come Easy Go…….BOOM!

Gentleman, consider a lightning protection system for your home..You can bet my rebuild will have a very good one.

National Weather Service recorded a 63,000 amp strike on my property.

Full replacement value. Starting over

We all got out safe  



Glad you got out safe, sounds like you have the rest sorted. You seem to have a positive outlook, great example for the rest of us. 


Holy Cow!

I’ve seen trees hit I’ve been in a plane that’s been hit, I’ve even seen an old Dodge get zapped, but I have never seen anything like this!

So very glad you and yours made it out okay!

thanks to everyone for all the well wishes

home when it happened and it was like an explosion

I went straight up to the attic with a flashlight and saw and smelled and heard a major gas leak so like an idiot I run into the attic, trying to turn valves off when I noticed the fire in the corner and my daughter is screaming at me to get the hell out of there

I totally could’ve gotten blown up i

anyway we have really good insurance all replacement value they’re going to rebuild the house and I get all new upgraded equipment so it will be very stressful but kind of fun rebuilding a system


The only thing that matters is that you and your family are safe.  “Stuff” can be replaced.