SUT experience

I finally went the SUT route for my TD124/SPU combo

II wish I would have done it sooner.  I was using the phono input on my McIntosh C47 preamp for the last 3 years and was satisfied.  Yesterday I added a a Japanese Entre T100 to my system and was very surprised.  Many of you will already know but I’m new to the SUT game and it was a game changer.  


In the world of science we are learning new things all the time.  From Quantum Physics to Astonomy to medical discovery among many fields things are happening.  There are all kinds of things that are not fully understood.  Don't deny yourself a chance to participate just because the "facts" haven't been able to measure everything in audio yet.  Experiment.  Listen.  Try cables, suts, other things, be open to discovery.  Don't be afraid to be wrong.  Explore.  Discover.  Have fun.  Accept no limits.  What you think is known is expanding all the time.  Be part of it.  Don't be afraid.

Dear Raul, I consider you my friend even though we sometimes disagree strongly. I always respect your opinion. I was not offended by your remark about the Viv tonearm. I continue to enjoy mine very much.

"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which can not fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance-that principle is contempt prior to investigation."

If one thinks the 'Math' alone is the means to discover a device that is able to assist with producing a form of 'entertainment'. The likelihood is, the use of the Math only is dictating there is a lot of entertainment going to be overlooked, off which some discoveries not had, may be the ones that prove to excel over all others had. 


Dear @billstevenson : I’m not afraid, things are that almost all what yu re-marks I already do it in the last 30+ years and I learned. Even I try sevral unortodox alternatives that in theory goes against the audiophile " rules " if any.

Things over those30+ years improved in the audio world and today I know what to do and what not to do. My time ( very large times. ) of experiment or test " things " contrary to the overall believes already past. I’m calm enjoying what I learned through all those time and a lot of spended money.

From those learning times 15 years ago came the Essential 3150 SS full phonolinepream that we designed and builded followed by the 3160 and today the Essential 3180, from those learning times came our own design and builded tonearm. Today I don't have to match any cartridge with any SUT or phono stage or tonearm, yes that good are what we builded. Today I don't buy any more any top LOMC cartridge but I already tested almost all in my system coming from my friends and about cartridges almost stay with no dramatic changes over the past but new refinements of wha we normally know. Gentlemans as mijostyn still are in that learning times on cartridges but cartridges have not the last word but the overall system chain.

Anyway thank’s for your observations.

