MoFi lawsuit

 Anyone in on this ?  I sent in paperwork 4 weeks ago requesting refund. Haven't heard anything yet .Realize its going thru a law firm, just wondering what others experience has been so far.  TIA


If you want to get the latest on the MoFi suit along with a long running discussion of how this all went down, go here:

MoFi to pay $25 million | Page 93 | Steve Hoffman Music Forums

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I chose not to bother. MoFi delivers on superior sonics, but was less than honest in their marketing which likely wouldn’t change my purchasing decisions. Besides, iirc vinyl cannot be strictly processed to be 100% analog using the current recording tools. Although honestly is important in personal relationships, marketing exaggerations/hype are common in business. If the product didn’t perform as expected AND I was misled into thinking it would perform, then I’d be singing a different tune