Blowing Fuses. Dennis Had Inspire 300B SET

I was disappointed this evening, as I was listening and all of a sudden I blew a fuse, and I don’t have a manual. I don’t know if the fuse is a fast blowing fuse, or a slow blowing fuse. The one in there is a two amp, and the fuse itself is a zigzag not a straight fuse I replaced it. And it blew again and I saw the rectifier tube had a reaction when I turned it back on. Does anyone have any experience and can anyone give me some advice thank you. 

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xmoose89

Turn on the amp without the tubes installed. If the fuse blows send the amp in for repair. If not, then there's a 99% chance it's a bad tube.


I found a gut-shot of a recent Inspire 300B amp (Steve Huff).

The rectifier is lower/left.




@carlsbad2 I'm not certain how you arrived at this:

Your opinion is noted and considered overly optiomistic at best.  You are a manufacturer and have an overly proud opinion of manufacturers IMHO. 

My prior comment is based on experience. I started my career in 1974 servicing consumer electronics and that is how I put myself through engineering school.

You don't put a fuse of a higher rating in any kind of equipment, especially if that equipment is consistently blowing fuses.

Bad Things tend to happen.

I have no idea how you might have arrived at the 'overly proud opinion' thing. To me the comment makes no sense, so I suspect its not accurate 😉