1/4'' ding / chip on a glossy black speaker

.....I called some piano repair professionals and they would not touch it .....any ideas ?????
1/4"? Forget about it. Touch it up with a black Sharpie pen and don't look for it. Automotive paint can work too, but try the Sharpie first. It hurts when your precious stuff gets damaged, but most people who try to fix things mess it up worse than it was before. Very few people do things right.
I 100% agree with Chayro, get out the Sharpie pen and do the best you can. After all, we're talking about a 1/4" defect - this is hardly something to stress about. Dim the lights and enjoy your system...

"06-05-15: Rodman99999
Like I said, "Unless your cabinet is metal: forget about it!" That DOES allow for the possibility of the OP's cabinet being metal."

I didn't mean to snap at you. Sorry.
I've found a black Sharpie very valuable for hiding minor dings/scratches in black finishes too. The tough part, personally(being somewhat obsessive), is forgetting about it afterwards.