Rumors of CD Demise Exagerated? New Hegel

A few years ago ago Hegel issued “The Mohican”, proclaiming the name was chosen because CD was a dying format and that this would be the the last CDP that one would ever have to acquire. They have now issued a new player, of which I read the review in Hi Fi News.  I forgot what they actually named it, but the reviewer waggishly suggested they name it Lazarus, as the format may be arising from the dead.

  If anyone has actually heard the player, I would be interested in their impressions.
  Other manufacturers such as Denon have also released “statement “ players recently.

Otherwise, does anyone think that this is a stay of execution for the format?  


I begin transfering cd long time ago...

I never kept them after that... I had two big hard drive to protect for the accidental lost of one...One connected the other not connected ...

For sure nuclear explosions with EMF will grill my computers... A micronova too... But being there at my age i will not need music anymore ... 😊

i put all my money in music albums not in audio gear... Then i owned 10,000 albums not few hundreds...

Try to put them in a room with 5 thousand books ... And who can afford books and music with a costly audio system in a dedicated room anyway ? Not me...I choose books and music and created my own dedicated room with a low cost audio system but a very good one...

Against the approving nod of purist turntable collectors, i collected files.... i ripped all my cd losless long ago and all the new one or buy files...

I read on an ereader now with only my core 500 extraordinary paper irreplaceable  books which for most of them are not in pdf file anyway ...I read science and philosophy...

Less is always better, especially if like me you need always more than most... it is a paradoxical teaching for sure... I will let you decipher it... 😊



There is absolutely no need for many items to end up in a Landfill,

@pindac Believe it or not, you are going to die one day. At that point you lose control over what happens to your physical media collection. You may make plans for it to be well cared for by a currently young person, but who knows what life changes that person will experience, possibly making your collection an unacceptable burden rather than an asset. Whatever happens, I’m pretty sure that your collection is going to the landfill at some future date. It would be a remarkable achievement if it survived two generations after your passing.

@tomcy6  You are correct, I only can be, whilst drawing breath, as well as develop the values I have come to live by and sustain.

I don't expect anybody to 'Take Up the Mantle', these are limited to my pursuits of entertainment and pleasure. 

My side of the street will be swept, along with the walk thoroughly walked.


Everything in the Audio Industry is greatly exaggerated, media, specifications, measurements, cost and of course performance. 

Haven’t heard the Hegel. But I own a Rega Apollo (being used as a transport) and I feed it into a Border Patrol DAC SE, and I’d say I get maybe 80% of the way to the gorgeous, beautiful, present sound of my analog set up. This puts all manner of content on regular old CDs very much in plays. Goodwill, the local library system, heck even CDs from bandcamp. All sound wonderful. The format is far from dead. I honestly don’t know why people stream. Why give your time and money to some horrible tech bro? Buy music from labels and artists! Use the library! There are millions of CDs out there and they’re more affordable now than vinyl! Wonderful format, and I’m glad I’ve invested. If I ever upgrade, it’ll be Jay’s Audio or Audio Note UK. - Sam in Massachusetts