Rant: PSA to builders, housewives, and general complaint

In our search for a new house, I’m seeing some disturbing and annoying trends, mainly, living rooms where the ONLY place to put a TV is way high above a fireplace. This leaves zero flexibility for tv placement, additional audio components etc. Most don’t even have plugs. I'm also in Texas and there's ZERO need for a fireplace.

Not to mention all the "open concepts" we’re seeing where the living room is strangely shaped and the kitchen is basically in the room where you hear all the kitchen noise and you’re 100% accessible to your spouse and their conversation (ramblings).

This isn’t a problem if you have $2m to spend but for most of us, we’re limited in where we can set up our toys and this does not help.

Thank you for listening.


Junk OSB and green ZIP tinderboxes vibrate and amplify inside and outside noise. Home construction is cheap and poor. 

Personally, I know there is real sonic tradeoff for doubling a listening space as a living space. However, I am a big fan of being able to use and appreciate my system as much as possible and with people when possible.


I could never imagine having a listening room where I'd sequester myself in order to listen. There is a huge sonic advantage for a dedicated space, though.

Not to mention all the "open concepts" we’re seeing

Good luck finding a house built in the last 20 years in CA without an "open concept".

I prefer actual rooms -- I like being enclosed within a discreet spaces. My idea of a living room is not simply furniture grouped on an area rug, like an island floating within a large, undifferentiated space. The "open space" concept actually results in less useable spaces, whether one is an audiophile or not. Walls are good!

Ask a contractor about feng sui -- how it feels to be in a given space and most will  laugh at you. As to why architects are so enamored of Open Plans, I have no idea. For better or for worse, it’s become the rule.