Why are speaker stands so expensive?!

I've been looking to buy a good pair of stands for my bookshelf speakers and for some reason I can't seem to find anything reasonably priced. Why are speakers stands so exorbitantly expensive?


If anyone has recommendations for good stands that won't break the bank, please share!


The stand mount TAD speakers reviewed in last month's Stereophile retail for $32,500 and do not include stands. If you want their version, add another $2500! You'd think for that money, the stands would be included but I guess the people that can afford the speakers won't quibble about another two and a half thousands dollars. 

These are affordable and solid. You can fill the stands with shot or sand for more rigidity. The spikes and saucers are a nice addition as well. Good luck



Pangea from Audio Advisor  they used to have a $300 stand and I would spray a bit of sealer foam in the bottom cavity  then screw the plate on ,uthen go to home depot and buy a bag of washed,dryed play sand filll it 3/4 then more spray foam  then screw the top on , it’s then solid and absorbs vibration even better.

Audioman58 is on it. 
Check out Audio Advisor.  They have good, sturdy speaker stands and reasonably priced. 

I prefer tilting the speakers back so the tweeter is aimed at seated ear height, thus shorter stands, and a method of tilt, like these referenced above



1. Tilt or Non-Tilting stand. (Non-Tilting stand will not have rear lip on top plate)

2. Choose a size for the top and bottom platforms (up to 10" X 10")

   (Top and Bottom Platforms can be the same size or different)

3.  Choose a height for your stands.


The tilt, combined with angled toe-in combine to alter the reflections from walls, ceiling, floor (both direct and reflected)