Which Line Level, Balanced Preamplifier?

I am running Monitor Audio Gold 100 5G speakers and am still deciding on what amplifier I am going to use. I came from a low wattage system when I bought these speakers, and they're quite demanding, so I am looking at something powerful. Almost everything is in the running, but I know I want it to do its job and not have too much character, so I'm considering Benchmark, Parasound, Ayre, Denafrips, etc... This is a different discussion though.

I want to shift my focus to preamps because it might help me dial in my amp choice along the way. I am looking for a fun sound. Not warmth, necessarily, but an engaging, deep and wide soundstage. Definitely not clinical or dry. I have been reading and have been sold on all of these:

-Ayre K-5Xe-mp

-Wyred 4 Sound STP-SE

-Denafrips Athena

-Parasound JC2

-Benchmark HPA4 or LA4

-PS Audio *preamp coming this year* (I'd have to wait for this one, but I'm excited about it)

I would love to hear a strong, educated opinion before I spend the money. Open to other models as well. Tried to find an older model PASS, but people don't really universally love them and I've read they can be a little less engaging in the wrong system. 

Thanks in advance!



I’m quite happy with my PS Audio BHK Reference preamp.  It allows tube rolling.  Tungsram NOS 7DJ8 tubes sound best to me, much better than the stock tubes.  Be aware Tungsram NOS 7DJ8’s are getting harder and harder to find.  I like that it’s a hybrid preamp with a tube input stage and SS output stage.

Having said that, I’ve always wanted to try BAT and AR preamps based on reviews and owner feedback alone, but since most of my gear is PS Audio, I’ve stuck with the BHK and love the sound of my system.

Backert! Great amps, 2 12AU7s. Absolutely beautifully made and they sound incredible!

This one is besides the point, but RIP Jeff Beck. One of the greatest guitarist of all time. He could bend the strings like no one else. Glad I got to see you at the house of blues in New Orleans over 20 years ago, great show, I will miss you.

Sugden LA 4.  Brilliant kit that will set things afire with speed and impact.  No syrup here.  Rich but not lush.  Great sound stage.  The Brits do this one right.