100% USA designed & made DAC

I am curious as to what besides Bricasti is a "good" designed and made in America DAC. I am aware of PS Audio as well. It seems like all the accolades are for either Eastern European of far Eastern pieces. Thanks, Allen


@mrskeptic Yes, they're quite the company in this regard. But most other companies are not, and most people are not asking about internal parts. Ideology quickly runs into the brick wall of practicality or is revealed as a surface-level preference.

I doubt there’s any American designed and built DAC that has all American parts in it.  Just like GM is an American company, but it’s vehicles are built from parts from all over the world and they are assembled in several places outside of the US. Ford and Tesla, same story. It’s pretty much the way of the world of business these days.
Check out Airbus sometime. It’s fascinating how their supply line works!

I second the Schiit recommendations.  I just upgraded my Bifrost 2 to the 2/64 version and it made an improvement in clarity and imaging with my Fyne F702 speakers, Rogue Audio RP-7 preamp, and Benchmark AHB2 amp … well worth the $100 increase in price for a new model.  Of course, there are other, more expensive options made in the USA, as others have said, but Schiit does make good Schiit, right here in the USA.

Sorry have to disagree regarding Schitt, it is just ok but compared to many others it is very flat and 2 dimensional sounding IMO. 

Adding to my post yesterday, 10+ years ago I helped a friend build a Harley Knuckle Head from the ground up. All the new parts in HD boxes said MADE IN CHINA