Speakers for Second System

I am assembling a simple system for my second home's medium sized living room.  Source will be the Rose 150b streamer DAC and power amp will be a Pass XA25.  In looking at the used market, I have identified three choices for small and narrow floorstanding speakers around my $3500 budget:  The Dynaudio Contour 30, the Eggleston Works Emma Evo and the Fyne Audio 502SP.  I am interested in what speakers of those three you think may have synergy with the chosen equipment.  I listen at medium levels to a broad array of music, but the common thread is  acoustic instruments.  If you wish to suggest another model, please keep in mind that the speaker needs to have a small footprint and be nicely finished; no standmounts please due to stability issues.  Thanks in advance for your responses.


Dynaudio speakers always have character to them, and not always the same one across the brand. I think the 30s will probably be an excellent match to a Pass amp. The extra punch of the Dynaudios will compensate for the Pass sounding a little lean to my ears. A great low-mid level volume listening combo.

Along the same axis, Dali is even more contoured. 

You should add Spendor to your list. I have owned many Spendors and the A2 or A4 would be a nice choice!!


given the amp's 25wpc 8 ohms/50 wpc 4 ohms

I would look to efficient speakers as a priority, only the Fyne fits that category.

So, what efficient speaker can you find to consider against the Fyne?

Fyne had a down firing port, I'm not a fan of ports, given your preference for acoustic, I would find something efficient, no ports, low enough for very nice double bass and cello.

Keep in mind, bass is directional, not just the fundamentals, but the overtones, 

Yogiboy:  I agree with you on Spendors but I have not found any reasonably priced used pairs of say the A7.  

Soix:  You ask a good question.  I have a perfectionist system at home with Magico q3's.  What I want for my second home is something that sounds reasonably good that is easy to use and does not take up a lot of real estate.  I do not want to have the same standards as at home. I do like clear sound that others may call threadbare.  Probably the thing I would want to avoid most is tubby low bass.