Mesa Boogie vs Fender

I own and really like a Mesa Boogie Tremoverb 2x12 combo. Sweet amp with great mids and lows...However, I am considering getting something a little less ’commanding’ like a 60’s era Fender Deluxe reverb, Twin reverb, Princeton reverb or maybe a Super reverb. Since I only use singe coil PUP’s, what would one expect the SQ to be like vs. my Mesa??
@dekay ; Ernie Ball made the Music Man amps - not Fender! They had a SS preamp with a tube output stage. I saw Johnny Winter use them in concerts!
@edcyn  Nothing wrong with a steel string acoustic, I totally love my Taylors. Not totally enamored of the fact that they require mediums, but that is probably why the sound is to die for. 

I think Mesa Boogie and Fender have their own voices. If you play metal, i suggest, using Mesa Boogie, if you play blues, jazz, pop etc, i suggest fender. but if you want to try amp simulator, like Fender '55 Tweed Deluxe, you can use UAD Plugin, you can visit and download to : Thank You. Enjoy !

@liongboba You are 100% correct, each amp has its own voice. I can get a nice bluesy sound out of Mesa, and with some work, a nice metal sound out of Fender…

BUT..Playing a friends Black Face DR, it is definitely super easy to get the nicest bluesy sound.