Why dealers disparage certain products?

Full disclosure...I've been an executive in the consumer electronics business for over 50 years. From small one man "on campus" HiFi sales, to Radio Shack franchise, to a 12 store pure HiFi chain to a 240 store publicly traded HiFi chain.

There are three reasons a dealer will disparage products:

#1...Some other dealer in the area already has the product and supports it. 

#2...The dealer could not get a line of credit for the product and doesn't have the finances to stock and sell the product. And/Or the manufacturer requires a substantial financial commitment.

#3...He/She is an honest dealer and actually auditioned the product and decided to offer an alternative


(Rule #1 in retail sales....NEVER disparage a competitor or other products.....NEVER!)



Got it @hilde45 we should all think like you and go our merry way. So much for opinions and discussion. 

I buy what I like if a dealer dislikes I move on to another dealer.Many dealers bad rap things they do not sell.

Maybe if your competitor disses your product on the internet?

 Or posts a false review of your restaurant? There may be times to attack a competitor, but it is not without peril. 

I trust my local store enough that if they say something negative it holds weight with me since they don't make a habit of it and at times I agreed from my own experience.

It's always been a gripe of mine way back before I sold audio products myself. I always disliked the way salesmen would cut down the competition only to find them selling the offending product a few months later.