Inexpensive speaker cables: any experience?

I’m currently running some entry Kimber Kable speaker cables and looking at possibly upgrading. In my research I’ve come across some “budget” options on eBay. I assume they’re not great but curious if anyone has any experience with some “no-name” or “budget” cables? 

Thoughts on these? 



Lean OP lean. There are a few better option at even lower prices. It's about knowing the material they are made from. I didn't see a very good check list.

OCC copper (at least)?
OCC/silver clad option?
GREAT terminal ends are as important as great cable design. What did they use?
Did they make all the above worse by joining it with solder?

I haven't spend more than 2-300.00 on the best cables on earth for my gear. I've yet to be proven wrong. Maybe it's the gear, maybe its the speakers. I just know they work VERY well. Pick the right ribbon material or weave, all the hocus pocus goes away and you can concentrate on what really changes the sound, like room treatment, tuning the room and vibration control.. 

Instead of 1% you get 20-50%. Helped a guy put up 2 6 foot floor to ceiling curtains Monday. He couldn't believe his ears. Beautiful custom made silk curtains. Two small trees, a thick round rug and he bought 2 3 x 4ft panels and placed them on the ceiling in front of the seated position.

He cried.. 5 year of trying. 4 hours of work and about 1500.00 total he was happy. 

Maggies. Sure nice speakers..

williewonka's DIY RCAs are the biggest bang for the buck period. Are there better cables? I find that question silly and I ask it. Different YES, better NO!! Great cables. NOW back to the room.. LOL


I have a "new" pair of speakers and they are currently connected with some 16 AWG Duelund unterminated wire and sound great.  I have some nice Analysis Plus cables on order, but I'm going to be pretty disappointed if they don't sound noticeably better than they do now. 

Recently replaced some thinnish speaker wire (prob. obtained at Radio Shack eons ago) with Canare 4S11 and it does sound quite a bit better to my ears. 2nd system in a workshop/art studio environment…