Big Below 15k used that can play loud as heck

I moved into a way larger room, roughly 20x24 and the 802D’s just ain’t cutting the mustard. Looking for good options that can pound out bass in a large room with 500-1000 high end watts (pass or levinson etc)

Currently running 2 JL Fathom F113’s so it’s not low bass, it’s a speaker that can pump concert level music playing rap, hip hop, reggae, rock and classical/audiophile stuff  etc. but I need my rig to blast rap and hiphop impressively more than anything. 




I got you covered. Just come on by, pay me, and have your furniture movers bring it to you.


For $15K you would get a pair of one-off Super Reds most probably made by The Mastering Labs. These are 15.5 cubic feet with the Altec 604E2 and Utah auxilliary woofer.

As I said, these are custom in walnut and triamped with a one-off electronic crossover, again, probably from The Mastering Labs, and one-off passive eq units, probably from The Mastering Labs, to go between the amp and the horns. All drivers look and play like new and when the JBL group met here, everyone said these were the best sounding 604s anyone had ever heard. I got them from a recording studio in Southern California that went out of business.

But wait..., there’s more!

The system includes a Marantz 1180DC integrated that serves as the preamp and powers the horns, and two Marantz 170DC power amps. One of the power amps was recapped with Mundorfs. All three pieces were recently serviced and all repairs made.


And to top it all off, it includes a Marantz 2130 tuner with the scope that works fine. I’ll even throw in the rack and Philips 212. You will not find another system like this anywhere in the world!

I don't doubt that the Bose 901's will make your ears bleed, but not from high sound pressure levels.🙃

In your previous room you were able to get impactful bass at 87dB, but in your new larger room the B&Ws start to run out of steam before you hit 80dB.  These are not particularly loud listening levels.  The B&Ws are not an easy load, but the Parasound JC1 should be more than sufficient to get you above 100dB in near or mid-field listening.  I would not change your loudspeakers until you experiment with loudspeaker and listening position.  I'm guessing, but your room may have a frequency response null in the mid-bass range.  Using your SPL run some frequency sweeps to gain more information.

Happy '22, but when is 'too much' too much?

We're all too familiar with the 'basser vehicle' buzzing as if a bumblebee in a hiccup fit...( C'mon, kidz...Permatex Everything that twists or turns into tight & add a quarter...silicone all that remains...)...  When does the source equipment need to be 'offsite' enough?  NASA launch facilities begin to have relevance; far enough away to not intercept blown capacitors, cable melts, tube flares....any audiomalady that has or could occur within even the illogical.

"It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel Fine (until something goes *foom*) until the weeping and gnashing of teeth and treasure..." 😏

Personally, I've yet to be offended by the odd oldhvymec ('Bots' that? *L*)
Perhaps just a ketchup pkg, beneath his boot, too messy to stomp despite the desire and delight in the act....*splurt!*   "Dog, clean that up..."

Pin to bottom of chicken coop, starve chickens. (Once upon a millennia, they be lizards....and Big)  Still hungry after all these yearns....

Maybe I'm just shock-proof....comfortably numb...looking to burn out bright.

Play loud and often, how accomplished is just part of the fun.

Into the future, J


Welcome to Botsylvania....