Best speakers around $130k?



Complete Sanders sound system, and money left over for music, cables, food, bottle of 30yr Balvenie to sip while breaking in your system with Motörhead, 


Conspicuous consumption, bad for the planet.


Are you f$&kin kidding me? Can you please explain how spending money on a luxury item is “bad for the planet”? This is why people roll their eyes at tree huggers.


Spend $50k on room treatment and buy your favorite $50k speakers. It won’t matter because your room will be perfect for almost all speakers. My favorite are Sonas Faber. I don’t own them, but I love their sound. The room is just as important. 


Now this might just be the smartest advice yet….

Wilson Audio Alexx V or used XVX speakers would be the best sounding for that price, but you can certainly find speakers that look more stylish where less money went into sound R&D and more went into style.